14. My Insecurities

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The following morning Camila and I head to the airport to meet the girls. We are in Manhattan for the big movie premiere. "Is that them?" Camila asks squinting, and pointing straight ahead into the distance. I also squint my eyes as the blur of three figures gets closer.

I hear squealing, and sure enough it was the girls. Camila and I jump to our feet and run to the girls as fast as our feet could go. "I missed you guys so much!" I say as the five of us are joined in a comforting bear hug. Ally is tearing up. "Three weeks is such a long time to be apart ya'll." She sniffles. "And I may be over the top right now, but I just love ya'll girls. The five of us complete each other and it just wasn't right to be apart."

"Aw, Ally!" Camila presses her cheek on top of Ally's head, and squeezes her in a hug.

"How was your time with the boys?" I anxiously ask, as we walk through the hotel to our suite. "Amazing!" Normani says.

"Safe to say we are no longer single." Dinah says, snapping a finger. I shriek in utter excitement. "Aw! Congratulations! I can't wait to meet these boys! They seem great from what you guys told me over the phone."

I pull the door open, and notice a large gold boxes with a black bows tied around it on all four beds. "What's that?" Dinah points. I shrug. We all walk over to the boxes. The bed I am going to share with Ally has a box for her and I. "I'm scared to open it." Ally says.

"Who's gonna open it first?" Dinah says. Normani raises her hand. "I volunteer as tribute!" She says, making a reference to the Hunger Games. After unraveling the bow, she slowly lifts the lid to the box. All four of us, intently staring at her. Her eyes widen, as she pulls out a pink babydoll dress with a white beaded collar.

We gasp. "It's beautiful!" She says, giving it the twice over. "It came with a card." She clears her throat to add effect. "It says, "Normani, I hope you enjoy this dress. I also hope it fits. Tonight is the premire of Bravado and I was hoping you would accompany me tonight. -Liam xxx."

We all began to coo in admiration. "How sweet." She says. We all tear the tops off our golden boxes, also to reveal dresses. Mine is a short but not skanky white dress that flows. Also I had a card, adressed from Zayn. The girls got the same notes with different touches, but differents dresses of course.

There was a knock on our door. "Come in I guess." Dinah called out. The door swung open and in walked all five boys. Soon the room became a reunion. It was full of hugs, laughs, stories of what one another have been up to. "Lauren, come here." Zayn said, giving me no choice as he pulled me aside.

"Yes?" I curiously asked.

"Before the premiere, do you want to have supper? I can make private reservations for us downstairs." I smile at Zayn's gesture. "I'd love that."

"Great, and did you like the dress I gave you?" I nodded.

"I loved it. You have great fashion sense."

"What can I say I'm a little fashionista at heart." He joked, causing me to laugh. "Wear that dress. I'll see you at 7." He kissed my lips, leaving me in a daze as he and the boys left the room.

"What was that all about?" Normani asked approaching me, a wondering smirk upon her face. "I'm crazy about him." I blush. "He's perfect, I swear."

Nobody Compares. (Lauren Jauregui 5H and Zayn Malik 1D fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now