36. Worry Wart

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It is December 29th and my parents have been gone, two days. I think thus far I've been doing a pretty decent job making sure everything stays in order. I stand at the kitchen counter cutting cucumber for our salad. Chris walks in and goes straight for the fridge. He pulls open the door and grabs a slice of cheese, and ham and dangles it between his lips. He then reaches for the bread.

"What are you doing?" I ask, placing down the knife, and throwing the cucumbers into the bowl of lettuce and tomato slices. "What does it look like? I'm making a sandwich." He throws the cheese and ham between the slices of bread and takes a bite. "But, I'm about to make dinner."

"I'm heading out to skateboard with my boys. Sorry." He then scurries out the back door.

Taylor walks into the kitchen, with my ringing phone in her hand. "It's Normani." I answer.


"Hey. The girls and I are going out to eat, wanna join?"

"I'm actually cooking."

"Suit yourself, we were going for tacos!" She hangs up.

Taylor is still standing there. "What?" I ask.

"Katie actually wants to go get frozen yogurt and then we're going to shop a bit."

"Cool. So I guess I'm having dinner alone."

"All you made so far is a salad." There was a beep out front. "That's Katie, see you later." Taylor waved and ran out the kitchen. I pouted, and called Normani.

"Hey. I guess I can come with you guys."


"So then I tell him, no you can come to me dawg." Dinah said, getting to the point of her story. I pour more salsa verde on my nachos. "Have you guys seen Harry's twitter?" Normani says, focused on her phone. I look at Camila who has a small smirk on her face, then it turns to confusion. "No, why?"

"It says, 'headed out to enjoy my last days of vacation in the sun. x' then right after that he tweeted 'I just want to have a relaxing time in MI, please understand x'"

"He's coming to Miami?" Dinah asked.

"That's what twitter says." Normani says.

"Is Zayn coming?" Ally asked me.

"No. I didn't even know Harry was coming, and plus. Zayn would've let me know. We talked yesterday and he said he's spending the rest of the holidays with his family." I say, shoving a nacho into my mouth.

"Maybe Harry can come to Troy's party." Ally says. "Text him!" She pats my arm.

"No, he's coming to enjoy his vacation, not to come to a party." I say.

"I'll text him!" Camila says, whipping out her phone. She starts typing away.


I walk around my house gathering items to place in my carry on bag, and my phone starts to ring. I run down the stairs and jump for it from the couch. "Zayn! No running like a mad man." My mum shouts from the kitchen. "Sorry." I say. I grab my phone before I miss the call. It's Harry. "Hello?"

"I have an hour left on the flight and I'll be there, are you flying out tomorrow?"

"Yeah, late though."

"That's fine. The plan is falling together perfectly. Ally invited me to her boys party, and Camila text me about it."

"That's great."

Nobody Compares. (Lauren Jauregui 5H and Zayn Malik 1D fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now