10 2 3

It's Tuesday, yesterday was pretty uneventful Ashton was sick so it was just a regular day except the fact that no one dared to make fun of me but I just shrugged it off. I sit down in computers in my usual spot alone and log in I hear the sound of someone setting down their stuff right next to me so I look over and see in surprise it was the girl I saw yesterday, Kimberly, she smiles at me

"do you mind if I sit here?" She asks

I shake my head "no it's fine" I reply

"Are you sure cause I can move if you'd like?" She says looking a little worried

"Trust me it's fine I'm kind of just alone"

"So am I, I tried to sit with Kelly and her group but then there was a rumor that I said something about Kelly and now they are all shunning me" she said in a disgusted tone

"That's them for you, that's the popular group trust me they'll forget about it"

"I'm sorry I didn't get to properly introduce myself, I'm Kimberly" she says with a smile

"Hi I'm violet but you probably don't want to hang out with me"


"I'm kind of the loser in my school, well not kind of I am the loser of this school"

"I don't care, you seem nice and that's all that matters" I smile

"So Kimberly one question, do you like Star Wars?" I ask

"Indeed I do, and I also like your hair" she replies

"Thanks I actually got it done on Saturday" another new friend, luck had been coming its way which is odd for me.
I sit next to Ashton and smile and he does the same
"Someone seems happy, mind asking me why?" he says giggling

I nod "I have made two new friends actually and it's quiet nice"

"Oh who?"

"The new girl, Kimberly, and I feel bad though now at the same time" I say frowning

"Why? You should be happy"

"Because you're in a fight with your friends because of me and I'm making friends and practically rubbing it in your face"

"I have made other friends since I've met you don't worry" he says laughing but continues "I'm just in a fight it happens with all friends it doesn't really matter and it's not your fault it was my doing and Calum is actually talking to me"

"Wait, Calum? I always thought he was one of the worst out of your group"

"None of them are actually that bad when you get to know them especially Calum" I was about to reply but the bell rang and the teacher started talking. I wish I could fix Ashton's fight with his friends I know he says he doesn't care but he obviously does but I decide to leave it be for awhile. I smile as I walk into art class but then notice Calum sitting at the seat next to mine, Calum wasn't in art he was in stem for this hour, how do I know this might you ask? Well I used to have that class but I immediately switched after the first day. I set my stuff down and he just looks at me
"I kind of sit here as well" I say with a frown looking at him and then at his stuff shoved onto my half of the desk

"Great..." I hear him mutter but acts like he didn't say anything "sorry" and he moved his stuff to his side

I just give him a confused look and sit down "thanks but why don't you like me?" I say bluntly

He looks at me then back at his stuff "does it really matter anorexic girl"

"Indeed it does rude guy cause you're the only one who's actually talking to Ashton and he said you are not as bad as I think and so far you are not proving him right" I say looking at him blankly

He sighs "I'm sorry, you are trying to make and effort to try and talk to me and I'm being rude." He holds out his hand

I don't know if I should trust this or not but I shake his hand hesitantly anyways the bell rings and the teacher starts telling us what we are doing today so I whisper, "one point"

Calum looks at me confused and whispers back, "what?" I hold up my fingered to say 'one second' and the teacher finished, she instructed us to draw a cartoon character or make up a cartoon character and I get to drawing and then speak

"One point" I say smiling

"One point what?" He asks

"One point to proving him right" I look at the corner of my eye and see him smile and giggle

"One point to you as well then" he says starting to try to draw a circle I smile and start drawing my character as well.
I smile as I sit down on Ashton's bed opening my French book he's at a D+ so we arranged to meet at his house and I tutor him. He is sitting at his desk as I say things in French and he try's to figure out what I say
"Parlez-vous français?" I ask

He laughs "I do speak French, and you said 'do you speak French?'" He replies

I nod "Je vous aime, and if you know what I'm saying I don't actually, you know it's just how I remember a certain word in it so you know I thought it could help you" I say awkwardly fiddling with my fingers and giving him an awkward smile

He laughs "I ate you?"

I shake my head and giggle "no keep working on that one" I look at my phone "it's 5:30 I have to go" I say packing all of my things

"May I ask you something?" He says


"Why do you use American time?"

I shrug "I don't really know I just kind of grew up with it since my brother was learning American stuff" I put my bag over my shoulder but then my bracelet falls off "dang it" I mutter

he picks it up and smiles "you wear it?"

I nod "of course it's the first gift I've ever gotten from a friend and it kind of is a reminder that I should be thankful"  we make eye contact I smile

We both speak at the same time "Your eyes-" we both laugh

"You first" he says

"Your eyes are really pretty" I say

"That's what I was going to say about yours" he laughs I hear noises down stairs of someone walking in Ashton just sighs and motions me to follow him so I can leave. We passed by the kitchen but someone speaks "wait Ashton who's that?" it sounds like a women's voice I presume it's his mum I turn around and Ashton does as well

"Hi mum, I thought you weren't going to get back till late?" He says but walks up to her and gives her a hug

She nods "I got out early" she looks at me and smiles "hello, I don't believe we have met before"

"We have not, I am Violet, I'm a friend of your sons" I say holding out my hand

She accepts the gesture and shakes my hand but gives a sad look "oh, I am his mother nice to meet you."

I'm sorry I left you at a cliff hanger😂 but hello I hope you are having a good day and expect amazing/dramatic/fun things in the future for this story! I'm legit so excited and I hope you guys are too!

The panda from across the street

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