ena | one

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"alexandria will you hurry up i am not going to wait for you anymore longer unless you are down here in 3 seconds" max shouts.

"well then you better leave because there is no way i shall be down in 3 seconds. you can not leave me or i will tell meredith." i say while peering my head in the staircase and giving him a little smirk with the final word.

he grunts and then turns towards the kitchen. "sometimes you can be a pain in the you know what mackenzie."

"if you call me mackenzie one more time, one MORE TIME i am coming up there and dragging you into the car"

"okay" i pause,

"mackenzie." i start to laugh but my laughter is cut short. max stomps his way quickly up the stairs and barges into my room. "regretting this yet?" he yanks my arm and starts to pull me away from my room. i catch onto the railing from my bed and yell "OK PLEASE JUST LET ME GET MY BAG." he turns his head and gives me the deadliest look, but gently releases the grip on my arm and i slip away. i quickly put my arms up in defense and walk backwards away from him. i grab my bag still staring him dead in the eye. his expression still as blank as a piece of paper that has nothing written on it. his deep blue eyes staring at me strongly. well i do not blame him, he is going to be late because of me but, oh well.

he is angry now, but i will help him sweet talk his way out of todays detention, since it is the last day of school. then he will forgive me and act like nothing happened. plus he is my brother, he can not stay furious forever.

he grabs my hand again harshly and drags me down the staircase and out the door to "his" car. which is really both of ours but he likes to call it "his baby" but it is not. she is an all black 1969 camero, the prettiest car on the block. well the only car since it is just me and max for about 5 miles. mom and dad bought all the land around us and built a lonely house right in the middle of it. she said that once i turned 18 she would force me back to live in the estate. i have only seen niko and maria a few times, they never come near this house.

kiki keeps barking at us while we drive away. she gets so lonely sometimes that i feel bad leaving her alone and that i should maybe buy a companion. i have always wanted a cat, the dog was max's idea and max is as stubborn as a mule. so we settled for a dog which is now named kiki, do not get me wrong i love her with all my heart but, i am more of a cat person. cats are calm and collected, perfect for me since i am wild. now when i think about it, this wild dog is perfect for a person like max.

i roll the windows down completely and let the breeze engulf me with its cool temperature. i close my eyes and let myself drift off into my thoughts but max interrupts me.

"so who's turning 18 tomorrow?" he turns to face me and has a big grin on his face. i frown, remembering what day it is tomorrow. "not me" i groan, "oh come on, alexandra you are turning 18. you are going to be an adult, even better you will be able to live in the estate!" i turn to face him now "so? it is not like i am actually going to live there. i have nothing to do with that place and nothing is going to change. your birthday is just another day, that is it. i refuse to believe it is anything more." i turn to face the window again.

"and i thought i was stubborn."

i feel electricity zapping through me. i hate it when max brings up the estate making it look like an amazing thing to look forward to but it is not. our parents kept us in the dark about the estate since we were born. now that i am 18 they think i am just going to push that realization to the side? is it not enough that i had barely agreed to have my birthday celebration done there?

guess it was not since niko and maria still want me to live with them afterwards. they are such suspicious people, i do not even consider them my real parents. i see them maybe once or twice every three months. meredith is the only person i would ever consider a parent, she has been taking care of max and i since we were babies. all this thinking is making me nauseous, i decide to stick my head out the window. the wind feels so nice today, it has not been like this in a while. maybe zeus is finally in a good mood. i chuckle at the thought of greek gods/goddesses being real. that would be pretty amazing, i have plenty of books about them. some of my favourites are about hades and how he kidnaps peresphone. odd choice to be one of my favourites but when you think about it it is kinda funny. did i mention i like dark humour too? reading about zeus is pretty cool too, since he is the god of thunder. that is quite a thing to be god of. i have read plenty of books on all the gods/goddesses i have a whole shelf in my room. it is just amazing to think that there are such beings that existed at one point.

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