The Violin Lesson

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   'Simple'. I huffed. I was never going to get any better.

   "Young lord, the art of music takes many a year to master," He comforted me. I scowled and carried on, trying my best to actually play some notes. After half an hour of failing, I gave up. "Young master, hold your violin," I looked up at him and did so. "Ah, you aren't pressing the strings hard enough. You also need to hold it firmer and higher," He held my hands to the positions they were meant to be in. The touch of his hands against mine made me blush. I pretended to look out of the window to hide my crimson cheeks. "My lord?"

   I sighed and returned to what I was doing.

   I took all of his advice and tried to play 'A', and this time it sounded a lot better. I did it again and again, surprised I could actually play it. The blush immediately disappeared from my face. My butler then taught me how to play all of the other notes, and I did them all. It wasn't as good as Sebastian, but it was better.

   "My, my, how time does fly. Lady Elizabeth shall be here in a moment," Sebastian said looking at his pocket watch. "Shall I continue to prepare dinner, my lord?"

   The success bubble inside of me popped when I heard this.

   "Yes." I answered simply.

   "Any requests, young master?" He asked, his perfectly shaped head was cocked slightly to one side.

   "No. Wait, is Bardroy cooking on his own?" I questioned, slightly worried for the sake of the manor.

   "I believe so, my lord. Shall I leave before a disaster strikes?" He suggested, chuckling at the tone of my voice. I looked him in the eyes. This signaled that I thought he should, and so he bowed and left. I stood there for a while with the violin, positioned and ready to try again. Then the main door banged open.

   "CIEEEEEEL!" Pounding footsteps quickened in my direction.

   "Oh... no..." I sadly whispered. Suddenly I was thrown to the floor by a life size barbie doll. I felt a clip in my hair, and I instantly knew that she had put a large pink bow on my head. I pushed her off me and stood up, brushing down my clothes.

   "Good morning, Elizabeth." I muttered.

   "How many times have I told you," She stood in front of me with her hands on her hips. "Call me Lizzy!" She looked disappointed, but that expression was quickly washed away with a smile. "I can't take you seriously with that bow on your head! Come Ciel! Smile!" She grabbed my cheeks and began to try and form a smile. I batted away her hand.

   "I'm not in the mood, Lizzy." I bent down and picked up my violin. Great. One of the string had broken.

   "Good morning, Master Phantomhive." Paula said from behind me.

   "Hello Paula." I fingered the broken string. "Please, do whatever you wish for a moment, I am off to find one of my servants." I said, walking out of the room before she could object. Finding my way to the kitchen, I saw Mei-rin upon a chair holding a stack of plates that was higher than herself. Stupid girl...


   She fell off and smacked her face on the floor. Luckily, Sebastian was there and he caught all of the plates. Mei-rin stood up and blushed. She then took the plates off Sebastian and ran off to the dining room, nearly tripping up again.

   "Sebastian," I called out, gathering my butler's attention. He walked in an orderly fashion over to me and bowed. "Lizzy snapped a string. Get it fixed before dinner." I handed it over to Sebastian and turned to walk away. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, giving me goosebumps.

   "Is this any better?" He wondered out loud. I twisted around to face him. He had already fixed it! Wow, that was fast. He was bending down to my height with the violin in front of him. I felt my hand heat up as I reached out to it and grabbed it. Damn Butler... I think...

   No. Nevermind.

Scarlet Temptation (Ciel x Sebastian) (Sebaciel)Where stories live. Discover now