Medusa's deal

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Kira's(Maka's mother) pov

  Medusa's words echoed in my head. "Fine don't listen to me! But when your first born becomes 14 and falls in love, make them come see me. I won't hurt them, I'll just need them to do some work for me. Do as I say or I'll kill you and your family." I sat down on a chair with Spirit by my side. I was only 7 months pregnant and I was really worried. "Kira, we won't have to worry until she's 14. And I promise you, she won't fall in love soon." Spirit said smiling. I smiled too. "So any names for our beautiful baby girl?" I asked. Spirit pulled out a notebook and began to say names."How about Amber?"






  After lots of names, he finally said one I liked. "What about Maka?" "Maka... I love it." "Finally!" We both laughed as Stein entered. "Hello you two. Have you chosen a name?" "Yep we're gonna name her Maka." Spirit said standing up. "That's a wonderful name~!" "Lord Death?!" We blinked in shock. "When did you get here?" "Just right now. Anyway, I am a father!" "What? You can't have-" Lord Death interrupted Stein. "I took a part if my soul and made it his." He showed us a picture of his son. It was a one year-old boy with golden eyes and jet black hair and three white stripes. He was so adorable. "I can't wait until your daughter is born. Maybe they'll become best friends!" I smiled just imagining that. ' Lord Death's son and my daughter, playing in the DWMA library.' I thought as we waved goodbye to Lord Death and Stein. It was getting late so we went to bed.

When Maka is one year old

  Maka was crawling around the floor with Kid at our house. They were like brother and sister. Kid is only one year older than Maka. She had emerald green eyes and dirty blonde hair. She is so cute, you wouldn't expect her to hurt a fly. However one day she will be working for Medusa and hurt people. But I hope Kid will help her and protect her from that.

When they were three and four

Maka's pov

  I made mama and papa a drawing of our family. Kid was drawing the.... number 8? Anyway, mama asked me to show her our pictures. "Mama look look! It's our family!" I smiled at Mama. "Kid what did you draw?" Mama asked. "I drew the number 8. It is my favorite number." He said continuing to draw. Then there was a knock at the door. "Coming!" Mama raced down the stairs to open the door. It was Lord Death. "Daddy!" Kid yelled running to him. I followed him as Lord Death picked up Kid. "Hi Maka! How are you?" Lord Death smiled. "I'm fine. How are you?" "Very well thank you." He laughed. Kid and I said our goodbyes and would see each other later.

3rd pov

As the kids grew up, Kira worried even more. The kids never knew at all so they would be safe, for now. Maka and Kid would come over to each others house to have play dates or just to see each other. Kid has feelings for her but his is not sure.

  Medusa is watching them and she can't wait to see little innocent Maka become a monster. 'I need to find a way to have Maka and her insanity meet.' She thought as she watched Crona play with his stick in the sandbox. She then had an idea. She picked up a glass testing rude. It had a black liquid in it called black blood. "This will help Maka become the monster she is meant to be and speed up the process." Medusa smirked and laughed.

  She went to Kira and Spirit's house. Maka was playing tag with Kid in the backyard. Medusa snuck into the kitchen and saw Kira making sandwichs for them. "Maka! Kid! I made your sandwichs!" They little kids ran inside. Kid chose a turkey sandwich and Maka chose turkey and lettuce. She poured the black blood into her orange juice and left. Maka drank it. As the young kids finished, they were laughing because Kid was telling Maka a joke.

Maka's pov

  Kid grabbed his backpack and pulled out a notebook. He opened it and showed me his drawing. ' It's amazing! He drew the number 8 perfectly. Nobody can do that!' I thought as studied the drawing. I handed it back and he closed it. "So, Maka. Let's play a game!" "What kind?" "Umm Uno?" "Sure but you'll just lose." "N-no! I've been practicing." "Practicing losing?" I smriked and he had pink blush on his cheeks.

After 8 games of Uno

"I told you. I always win. You didn't even win one." I said smiling. He pouted. I giggled and kissed his forehead(there for you KiMa fans). He blushed and looked away. Then Mama and Lord Death walked in my room. "Kid it's time to go." Lord Death said. "Ok. Bye bye Maka-chan!" Kid said hugging me. "Bye bye Kid-kun!"I said hugging him. As they walked out of the house, Papa was glaring at Kid. "Papa what's wrong?" "Your not getting a boyfriend until your 30!" I blushed realizing what he meant. "Papa! He's a friend." I blushed harder. Mama laughed and Papa soon joined her. We went inside and I went to my room to sleep.


Well how do you like it? I made this because my friends ,Rosey_Red101 and alyssasobers suggested I made a yandare Maka story thing so here it is. Hoped you like it. Vote and comment and I will see you in the next chapter. Bye! (~^.^)~

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