Killing Maka (2/2)

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Kid's pov

I heard Maka scream. That's our que. "Guys that sounds like Maka. We need to check on her." I said and everyone agreed.

   We ran over to the libray and saw Maka in a pool of her blood and Vanessa standing next to her with a baseball bat. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! YOU JUST KILLED MAKA!" I yelled. Then she turned around and saw the gang looking at her. "How c-could you..." Soul said crying. "I-I'll go get Stein and Spirit." Blackstar said. I grabbed Vanessa and made sure she didn't escape. Then Stein and Spirit arrived. "M-maka!" Spirit cried. He carried Maka to the infirmary.

While Stein and I took Vanessa to Lord Death. Looks like the mission to get rid of Vanessa is completed.

Maka's pov (in her mind)

I was in my chair across from Mika. She smiled at me and I did the same.

"Was it a success?"
"Yes Maka."
"Good. Now Soul can ask me to the party. Finally Vanessa is out of the picture."
"However, I feel like Lord Death will give her another chance. But, the whole school will hate her for trying to kill you."
"Great. Now we wait till the dance."

Kid's pov

Stein had Vanessa's arms behind her back making sure she didn't run. I lead them to the office. As we were walking down the hallway people looked at us like we were insane. They only were worried because Vanessa was screaming. "STOP! LET ME GO! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! IT'S NOT RIGHT TO TREAT A STUDENT LIKE THIS! I DEMAND TO SEE LORD DEATH!" We stopped in front of door. I turned around and said. "Well, then you'll be happy because we're taking you to him. And we have every right to do this." I opened the door.

  As we walked down the long hall, I heard Maka sending me a message, well Mika did.

Good job. Now convince your dad to kill her or let her leave the academy. She is gonna get hell here at school. And you'll never guess by who.

I mentally nodded. Then I felt a presence near by. I looked around and saw someone at the door. "Kid come let's go." Stein said still holding Vanessa."R-right. Let's go." We walked into my father's office.

"WASSUP~!" My father said. However, once he saw Vanessa's pinned behind her back, his expression changed. "Kiddo, Stein. Before I yell at you both, why is Vanessa here?" He said sternly. "Vanessa Garcia knocked out Maka with a baseball bat. And before you ask why it's important, I'm going to tell you." I paused and continued. "Maka and Vanessa were not having a battle. When were heard someone scream, we all rushed over. Only to find, Maka in a pool of blood and Vanessa holding a bloody baseball bat." 

My father looked at Vanessa, then me, then Stein. He sighed and gestured Stein to let her go. She opened her mouth to speak but, Father beat her to it. "Vanessa, you are under supervision for the next week and will not be allowed to go to the dance on Friday. Instead, you will stay here in my office that night."

Her expression was priceless. She looked so upset and sad; I mentally smiled when that happened. She rolled her eyes and eventually let us go. Stein had to stay back though.'I wonder who was at the door. Oh well.' I thought walking to the infirmary to see Maka.

Blackstar's pov

I heard everything. Vanessa is gonna get absolute torture here. And I'm gonna make sure she gets it. I plan to tell the major gossipers and have them spread the news.

After I told the gossipers, I went to check on Soul. I was standing outside the bathrooms because Soul needed to calm down. Once they took Vanessa and Maka, he started bawling. I lead him to the bathroom so he could stop crying.That's when I followed Kid and Stein. Meanwhile, Tsubaki took Liz and Patty to see Maka. "Soul you okay?" I said worried. No answer. 'I guess I'll have to do it by force.' I walked in and saw Soul at the sink looking at himself.

His eyes were puffy and his nose was cherry red. His fluffy white hair was now a mess along with his clothes. "Soul, you can't stay here all day. Let's go visit Maka then we'll take you home." I looked at him sympathetic look. He nodded and tried to calm himself. After about two mintues, we went to the infirmary.

Waiting for us was Tsubaki, Liz and Patty. "Hey, how's Maka?" I said sitting down next to Tsubaki. "She'll be fine. However, none of us can see her,yet. Stein said she needs to rest."

"So she's sleeping?"

"Yeah. Kid went in because Stein needed to talk to him."

'That's strange. Everything has been strange. First, Vanessa showed up. Second, Maka and Kid went missing. Next, they magically appear and disappear. Finally, Maka gets knocked out by Vanessa!' I thought as the girls comforted Soul. I looked over at them. 'It doesn't make sense....wait I know! Vanessa got enrolled and took a liking into Soul. Then, she kidnapps Maka and Kid! Finally, gets rid of Maka. It doesn't... Kid. He'll tell me what's up.'

Kid's pov

"She can't do that!"
"And why not? Maka needs to have Mika removed before it gets worse. We can't get rid of her for good though but, we can get her out of her mind."

I was shocked. 'He wanted to do surgery on Maka to get Mika out of her. The one problem is she won't be able to wake up for a while.' I thought. "Stein, you're insane. First, you shouldn't ask me this. Second, what would happen to Mika if she's removed?"

He paused the continued. "We would put her in her necklace, the key. And she could only activate Mika if she says a certian spell. However, I don't know that spell." He looked back at Maka.

"You'll have to ask Medusa for that spell."

I'm so sorry that took so long!
I hope it wasn't that bad. I had to edit everything so...yeah. Hope you enjoyed! Bye!

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