Her birthday wish

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Blackstar's pov

'Maka is a yandere? N-no that's not right. But what confusing is...... who is she yandare for and why?'I thought as I walked to lunch. I sat down with the gang minus Maka and Kid. "Blackstar where were you? You were gone for long time." Tsubaki worried. I shook my head then Kid walked towards us. "Kid have you seen Maka?" Soul asked. "No, she walked off while I was talking to her." ' Yeah right! You were with Maka, pissed her off, then lied to us.' I thought with a upset expression.

Maka's pov

' How dare he imply I'm a yandere! It's so stupid! I wanna go home and lay down.' I thought as I stuffed my binder into my backpack. I closed my locker and walked home.

I was at the bottom of the stairs when Medusa came up to me. "Maka, your birthday is in a couple of days, am I right?" She said without an expression. "Yes and why do you care?" I said coldly. She smirked and crossed her arms. "You are so stupid." She was still smirking and then flyied away. ' What was that about?' I unlocked the door to the apartment. I went straight to my room and fell on the bed.

Timeskip: Maka's birthday

Today is my birthday. I'm turning 14. I walked to my closet. My outfit was a plain white dress with flats( pic above).I curled my blonde hair. I placed some strands of my hair to the back and clipped it with a white bow. Then Blair walked in. "Happy birthday Maka!" She hugged me really tight. "T-thanks Blair." "Oh! By the way, Soul and I made you breakfest." She lead me to the kitchen. Soul was in a pink apron and flipping pancakes. "Hi Soul." He turned around and smiled. "Happy birthday Maka." I hugged him and sat at the table. Blair gave me a plate of pancakes and bacon. Soul and I ate and headed to the school.

  Before I entered the school, Soul stopped me. "Maka here. I got this for you." He handed me a box. I opened it and inside was a necklace with a red and black scythe. Soul placed it on my neck. On the back it said ' Happy birthday Maka! From Soul'. I hugged him again and he hugged back. "Maka! Soul!" I heard Tsubaki say chasing Blackstar. Blackstar ran up to me and yelled. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAKA!" "Thanks Blackstar." We all went inside and sat down. Kid, Liz and Patti wished me Happy birthday after class.

  Then Vanessa showed up. "Hey guys! Sorry I came late. I had a doctor's appointment this morning." She smiled. "Ok. Let's go to lunch." Liz said smiling back. The gang was head of us while Kid and I were behind, way behind.

  They didn't noticed at all. ' It's my birthday and no ones noticed I'm gone. Not even my own partner. Kid is the only one who is beside me.' I thought almost crying.

Then Papa and Stein stood in our way. "Maka, Kid. Please follow us. Lord Death wishes to see you." Stein said. Papa looked scared and sad at the same time. "O-ok." I said.

Soul's pov

I gave Maka the necklace and now all I have to do is ask her to go on a date with me. She'll probably say no but, I don't take 'no' as an answer.

  Then Vanessa showed up. ' Ugh. Why does she have to be here?! Every time she's around, she won't leave me alone. I wouldn't fall for her- too clingy.' She came up to me and started rambling about her new puppy, Jackson. We all walked to lunch and before we entered and saw Stein and Spirit taking Kid and Maka somewhere.

Maka's pov

We entered Lord Death's room. "Wassup! Wassup! Wassssssssup!" He said in his cartoony voice. "Hello Father. You asked to see us?" Kid said puzzled. "Yes. Maka since today is your birthday, we need to tell you the truth. But before we start that, have you seen Medusa recently?"

"Yes. Why is that so important?"

"Because Maka.. You and Kid are under a deal. A long time ago when your mom and dad were battling Medusa, they made a deal. Medusa's deal was that when you were born, you would belong to her. However, after you were born she changed it. When you turned 14 and fell in love with someone, you would need to find her with my son, and work for her. Now that you are 14, I must ask. Have you fallen in love with someone?"

  I nodded. "Alright then. Medusa said you and Kid must work for her. I'm making you double students. You will work on my side and her's. I will make sure to cover for you." He said. Papa was sad and Stein had no expression. "Off you go then." We walked out and headed to her layer.

Timeskip to Medusa

We reached her layer. It was basically a castle! We walked in and Medusa saw us. "You actually came. Now will you work for me? I will make you stronger and help you get what you really desire." Medusa evilly smirked. We nodded and she handed us some clothes. "Wear this. You start tonight." She walked away into a room. Kid and I found the bathroom and I changed first. I was wearing the same style of dress but black. And I placed the black jacket and left my hair the way it was. Kid was wearing a grey t-shirt under black hoodie. He kept his pants and shoes.

  Then Medusa walked to me. She took off my necklace( the one Soul gave me) and put a gold lock necklace instead. "Don't take this off. It helps control your insanity. " "Ok so what are we doing?" Kid asked. "I want you both to kill a man named Colby Miles. He works for Archane and he has attacked here. He has three kids. Two boys and one girl. The boys names are Jamie and Cody. Cody is the oldest. The girl is Avery. She is the youngest. Bring them back and kill Colby." We left and started searching for the man.

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