Seems like you saw a ghost~

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now this is the reader insert even tho it's Losts views

Your heart was racing rapidly as you saw ghost emerge from the shadows,his alburn eyes glowing in the darkness as he came closer ' don't panic,don't panic,don't panic' you chanted in your head as you scooted back slowly. despite you saying not to panic YOU WERE FLIPPING OUT! you already thought ghost was a bit scary but now he was making your heart race faster than it ever had when you're around him,both good and bad in ways. " h-hey ghost,uh..need s-soemthing?" You asked,may already knowing the answer and it was starting to scare you.

Of course he didn't say anything,even like this not a word came from him as he smirked at you,a seductive yet deviling smirk that somewhat excited you yet scared you at the same time.backing up,you could hear your fox barking at him,trying to protect you, despite his tail was shaking between his legs. Ghosts eyes shift from you to him and with one look the fox took off running,whimpering and whinning as he did so.

'  oh crao this isn't good this isn't good!' You thought as you backed up,reaching for your back pocket for your walkie talkie to notify the didn't even touch your pocket when one hand was pinned above your head agaisnt the wall,a body pressed against yours and a huge amount of heat washing over your were almost scared to open your eyes but you did away,very slowly and shakily.

As you opened your eyes,they met with shinning alburn eyes that held nothing but want and lust but you swore you saw something else but you were too shaken up to point it out. " g-ghost get off me!" You ordered as you used your free hand and pushed against his chest but compared to him,you were like a baby pushing him.instead of feeling the weight lift off your body you heard churring coming from him,causing your face to flush as you just remembered something.

You remebered Swift telling you that ghost enjoyed getting ordered,specially when the person who's giving the orders is the submissive one,so you just made the situation even worse by that one small thing. ' God dammit!' You cursed in your head as you pressed your back to the wall,trying to gain space between you two but he only closed it as he leaned in towards your neck,pinning both your wrist above your shuddered as you felt his breath tickle your neck,causing goosebumps to come up,just as you were about to try and push him off,you felt something went agaisnt your neck.

His tongue traced up your neck,slowly as if he was teasing you enjoying the shudders you did beneath him as he licked down your neck to your collar bone,his right hand and fingers tracing along your arm as they slided down your arms down to your side,his left hand held both wrist above your head as his hand made it to your waist,stopping right at the lining of your shirt. 

Your eyes were closed shut as you shuddered under his touch,tugging on your wrist as you turned your head away,unaware that you just gave him more access to your neck but as soon as you felt his tongue  brush against your sweet spot,your eyes snap widen open as a dark blush formed.ghost noticed your reaction and smirked,biting down harshly against your sweet spot as his hand slided up your shirt,fingers tracing up your stomach to your breasts.

You were trying your hardest to not make any sound that would encourage him  but you were failing as a low groan escaped you,you tried not to make something more slip but man did you fail as you felt ghost knee between your legs,lifted up to press agaisnt you causing you to slump slightly with your knees buckling a bit,your efforts to tug your wrist away stopped as your breathing started to get raspy.

Ghost enjoyed your reaction,he could smell the excitement radiating off your body and it just rasied his heat even more,he lifted your head up by your chin,a smirk in place as he spoke,his voice low and husky,causing shivers to run down your spine " you want me to take you don't you~" he purred as his lips were inches away from shook your head slowly,body still shivering as he slipped his hand past your bar and traced circles around your left breast.

" n-no!" You denied,biting down on your bottom lip as you felt his hand close around it,groping it as he leaned towards your ear ,his hot breath tickling it "A fighter huh.." He smirked " good,I like a fight~" he purred to your ear,pressing himself agaisnt you so you felt a light bulge right below the belt buckle against you.

You bit your bottom lip harshly as a moan was about to slip through your lips,you couldn't encougre him even more than you already have and the heat around you was causing you to slowly grow as excited as ghost was ' c-can't give in,but it feels..' Your body was twitching as your foggy eyes lowered,feeling his hip pressed against yours causing you both to moan out. You felt as if your losing his your common sense as your wrist were free,but instead o trying to push him off your body worked on its own and gripped his shoulders tightly.breathing increasing heavier as your felt his left hand slide down to the button of your pants and with one flick,it was unbuttoned.

You felt his hand slide down your stomach,past your belly button to under it,he was about to go further till you suddenly heard a crash and opened your eyes to see that ghost had been kicked in the ally,knocking into the dumpster at the same time,you were panting heavily as you processed everything and looked at your savior.

 " Nikki!" You said with relief as you saw her standing were ghost was infront of you,but you noticed her clothes were partly shredded and she had bite marks on her shoulder and neck and a three finger hand print on her hip. " w-what happened to-" " no time for that!' She grabbed your wrist and quickly ran out with you " let's just go before he gets up! We gotta find Sabrina and onyx!" " will you atleast explain what happened to you!?!' You asked as you ran side with her,her face flushed red as she looked ahead " long story"

Finish! Up next,swift Maybe✌🏻️

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