chapter 3 pt.3

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"Oh my gosh cotton candy , i can't believe they sell it here"Luna said as she stared at the fluffy confections.

"Yeah i know , i just moved here to sell this , it's usually sold in canterlot only." said a pink mare with blue and white mane."by the way im cotton candy."

"Well hi cotton candy ,im stellar streak" luna said."do you know if anyone sells chocolate milk around here? It would make a lovely" "raincloud" both luna and another voice said.

Cotton candy ran behind her stand shivering with fright.

"What's wrong?" luna asked.

"It seems this vendor has neverment""a draocoquest?" luna said finishing up the voice behind her ,she turned around to see a large creature with a deer horn,goat horn ,lion paw,eagle talon, head of a pony ,tail of a dragon ,leg of a lizard,leg of a goat,pegasus wing and bat wing.

"Your discord ,creature of chaos and disharmony" luna said.

"Indeed i am ,and your luna creature of magic and illusion ,your friend leo creature of shapeshifting and smarts,nice to meet you as well" discord said as he shook luna's hoof.

"You are one of my heros , i actually got many ideas from you for causing havoc."luna said pulling out a bit and placing it on the stand.

"Why thank you ,and put that bit back in your pocket , i'll get you some cotton candy clouds" discord said ,then snapped his fingers making a small cloud of cotton candy appear in his claw and paw.

"Wow ,i would love to know how to do that,heck learn to use magic here anyways." luna said placing the bit back into the pouch.

"That can be arranged , how about i teach you chaos magic if you teach me how to keep my cool around others?" discord asked with his lion paw extended,waiting for a shake.

"Okay you have a deal ,but you have to join me for lunch today ,cause i've got a few questions ,and not like twilight's idea of a few questions." luna said.

"Well okay ,i best be off , here's your cloud ,bye" discord said as he disappeared.

"Well i better find leo" luna said as she ran back to the bridge.

Luna then raced up to the bridge and looked around for the orange unicorn ,but to her surprise ,he was not there.

Luna then did a few chirps , only to see the doctor coming towards her.

" hello luna ,wheres leo?" the doctor asked.

"I have no idea , i came back here only to find that he's gone." luna said.

" well you can help derpy and i with are shopping " the doctor said.

" okay" luna said as she followed the doctor.

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