chapter o1

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It was my dream to be a dancer. But I had a style. In hip hop there are various types of styles. What I loved was pop and locks. it’s hard to master the techniques but no matter what I didn’t give up. I told my mom about this and she said ‘since it’s the beginning of this year I will find you a class. When we came to the second week of January, my mom told me that she found a class for me. I was thrilled to know that and when she said I’ll be starting tomorrow I was even more excited than I was before but for a while I thought ‘ wont I be the new girl ?’ that scared everything out of me . I did want to go for class but I didn’t want to be the new girl. I didn’t want to change my mind so I told my mom I will go. she gave me the address and told me to leave home at 4.50 since class starts at 5.00 p.m. when I checked the address it was close to where I lived , I was in the 2nd lane and my class was in the 6th lane which was not that far . the next day when I went to school I told my friends that I found a dance class which I will be going for today. All my friends wished me good luck. I was eagerly waiting for school to finish. Time went so slowly that my patience was running out.  When school was over I had my lunch and I got ready. I wore a tight with a long top and a mini skirt which was stretchable. I took my stuff and I told my mom that I’m leaving and I left. It took about 5 minutes to get there. As I went in , strangely  everyone started starring at me , quietly without saying anything I went in , our teacher’s name was ms.Jessica  I showed her my application and she introduced me to the class “ everyone listen up you know that the competitions are coming up and we have to be ready if you want to win. Now here we have a new student she has won several competitions before and she is an amazing dancer please welcome your new team mate Alison perera” everyone looked at me and smiled. *bang* the door was banged so hard. Jessica – “Kevin your late again” Kevin one the dancers who studied here. Kevin – “sorry I got late from school we had a seminar”. Ms Jessica gave that weird smile to Kevin and said “excuses and excuses”. Kevin looked at miss and smiled. I wanted to laugh but I thought if I do that it will bring attention and all I needed was to have a low profile for now. I switched off my phone and left my bag in a corner. Ms.jessica started with sun salutations, after we finished warming up ms J told someone to come up and dance. I so didn’t want to go. After all it was my first day how would I know whether I was ready or not or whether I was good enough to perform in front of a group of people who I wasn’t even familiar with “ Alison why don’t you come up and show the dance you did at your audition” was what miss J said . I couldn’t refuse either otherwise everyone would have thought that I’m scared to perform in front of people. I nervously went in the middle of the class , gave my iPod to miss J and told her to play ‘ it will rain – Bruno mars ’ I told the class that I will be performing a ballet piece. After the performance was over I gently closed my eyes and took a deep breath in and everyone started applauding. Ms j told me that today’s performance was more beautiful than the one I did at the audition “I have never seen anyone dance with so much emotion”. I gave a gentle smile to Miss J. A girl named Natalie complimented me saying “you are an amazing dancer. How can you dance with so much emotion?” “I don’t know actually, most of the time when I dance alone I take a song that is related to my life it’s easier to dance then... you see when you pick a song which full or meaning and related to your life you get attached to the song and you can dance your heart and the audience gets the song by watching you dance well you can earn the judges votes in this way but it’s not about getting the judges votes , it’s about dancing your heart out and giving the best you’ve got ”I answered Natalie’s question honestly . Ms J – “well said darling well said.” I smiled at everyone and I went back to get a little water since I was dehydrated. Most of the girls in my class came up to me and started introducing themselves to me which I thought was very sweet and friendly. at first I couldn’t hear what they cause of the loud music and the guys screeching like cats were dying but I managed to recall a few Natalie , Helen , shehani  and some I’m still trying to recall . I knew for a fact that those girls were friendly but the guys not so much. I didn’t  talk to any of the guys and neither did they but a few guys kept smiling with me “ oh what cute smiles ” keep rushing in my mind . ms J told us to sit down as she wanted to talk to us “as I mentioned before you guys know that the competitions are coming up and it isn’t going to be easy it will be real tough that’s why we need to practice real hard and come up with crazy, unique ideas where no one will even think of, specially something that will get the attention of the judges and which ‘wow’ them. Yes! Before I forget I got an email saying that there should be a couple performances, a solo and 2 group performances. For the couple performance each of you will get a partner and put a routine together by next week. The best couple with the best routine will be the one who will be doing the couple performance for the competition. Ok and the solo performance I will take it now” that was a long explanation given by ms J. Natalie raised her hand and asked ms J whether it was ok with her for me to do the solo routine I looked at her in a very annoyed manner and she smiled right back at me . I seriously couldn’t believe her I just wanted to die then and there, I mean why me when there are better people than me. To make matters worse miss J agreed with her “yeah we can let her. she’s good for a starter , if anyone has a problem raise your hand now ” one of the girls who were standing at the back raised her hand , she didn’t look friendly at all ever since I came to this class and performed she’s been giving me this look like she’s going to eat me . I didn’t make a big deal out of it , let her hate me if she wants to I’m not here to please her , but I got the signal saying she didn’t really like me “ yes Jennifer what is it ? ” “I don’t want her to do the solo routine. She’s a horrible dancer. She’s doesn’t have the potential to do a performance like that. We can lose cause of her” Jennifer’s words couldn’t be any harsh. I was going to open my mouth and give her a piece of my mind and tell her who in the world is she to judge me unfortunately before I could Kevin stopped me , he held my hand and held it so tight and told me to shush “ are you sure ? Because I think she’s an awesome dancer in fact I think she is better than you so why don’t you just back off yeah! ” my mouth dropped open. The entire class was rolling on the ground laughing except miss J she was just trying to hide her smile. Miss J told Kevin how mean he was and that if he continues to be that way girls wouldn’t follow him. “And Jennifer If I say she’s performing she will be performing and you’ve been in this class for a long time to put people down is not what I have taught you” I didn’t like what was happening at all. I told miss J to let her perform since it was my first time. Kevin whispered into my ears saying I shouldn’t have said that because it might get miss J mad and it did. “Alison if you’re in this class you will do as I say” miss j just said that out of anger. while a serious conversation was going Kevin was still holding my hand and out of the blue he raised his other hand “by the way aunty J I’m not mean I’m just helping Alison out” practically everyone was starring and it was even weirder cause Kevin was holding my hand, to make it any less weirder I quickly moved his hands away. There was something very unusual about this boy. He kept rushing through my mind and he would always smile with me and have my back. He was a hyper, bubbly little boy, the most important fact that he would always get scolded form Miss J. by the time class finished I was in no mood to go home. I had so much fun, made new friends. While going home Natalie joined me and walked home with me. When I went home I told my mom everything. I was so tired that I quickly had a wash , had my dinner , did all my school home work , replied to all my messages and finally I set the alarm for 5.00 to get up and went to sleep .

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