chapter 04

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The next day in school I told my friends everything I was just a little nervous to tell them about what happen with Kevin and I instead I kept that out and told them that Kevin and I won the couple competition and that will be performing  at the regional dancing competition this year. I saw how my friends were really happy for me and how they supported me. Today in school we had selections for the girls who are participating in track events we were suppose to wear white t-shirt and white shorts with tracks. The selections were being held in our brother school st.peters college. It wasn’t really far it’s just walking distance. Our principle told all of us to assemble in front of the vice principal’s office according to our houses. After all of us were ready we walked our way to peters grounds. As soon as I entered I found guys staring at all the girls that were there. Seriously don’t they have anything else better to do? I just kept giving them ‘back off we aren’t here to look at you’ look. While I was doing that my brothers Julian, Janith and thanusha saw what I was doing and kept laughing at me. Even if I wanted to talk to them I couldn’t, school rules say we can’t talk to guys during school practice or anywhere unless we are not for something regarding school. I just ignored the 3 of them and went away. The athletes were called separately to warm up since our coach was there we had no choice. While warming up I was worried about the competition I was going to have, it wasn’t going to be easy running with girls who are elder than you and I was thin as a stick but they have big, broad bodies it scared me a little bit but all I had to do is take a deep breath, close my eyes and believe that I could do it no matter how hard it was not for me at least for our house they need it more than I did. The way they had scheduled are events weren’t really good.  Events kept on coming one after the other. I could barely breathe. Once the 100m selections were over it was 200m and finally 400m. I got selected for all 3 events. I realized while running that I could do anything in my limit if I just believe and have faith in myself. I warmed down and worshipped our coach and teachers and told my captains that I was leaving because I had another class. In the morning before I left home I told matta that I have practice till four so I would meet him at 4.00 near his school and since he had basket ball practice it was easier. I didn’t know whether I could even walk to house of fashion I was beat and I couldn’t even take it anymore. When I got in I sat in next to this lady who seemed ok that was better than going and sitting next to a random guy. After a few minutes a pregnant lady got in and there wasn’t room for her I felt really bad I didn’t want her standing with that little new born in her born and I didn’t see anyone even just offering their seat to her either way I offered mine to her and told her that it isn’t good for to stand like that. From that point I was standing till I got to royal institute. I thought by now I would’ve passed out but I didn’t. I had to be strong and it was a matter of few steps to royal institute. I saw royal institute as well as mattew and Kevin but before I could take any step I lost control and almost went to fall, if Kevin didn’t run towards me I would’ve hit my head he was on time. He looked at me “timing is an important thing in life huh?”.  And he made me smile again even in the most difficult times. Kevin put his hand around my waist and held me tight so I wouldn’t fall and mattew walked beside me. And the 3 of us got in the bus. We sat right at the back so all 3 of us could go together. After I got in Kevin took his hand from my waist and held my hand while rested my head on matta’s shoulder. I just wanted to sleep for at least 10 minutes but I guess luck didn’t favor me that evening. A bunch of rugby players got in as well and started creating havoc in the bus. I know matta was getting angry I could see that he was trying to control, even Kevin was getting annoyed I knew that for a fact because he kept holding my hand even tighter than before “if those guys aren’t  going to stop I’m going to give them a little piece of my mind. I’m being really patient but now it’s just ticking me” matta was getting really annoyed and it was cause of me. There just boys they want to have fun as well I felt bad. In order to save matta from turning to the amazing hulk and from those guys so they won’t lose their faces I popped out with a random topic. “Guys how was practice? And guess what I got selected for all my track events.” I could actually feel Kevin’s hand calming down and matta bringing up a smile on his face. Until I got home I had to fake that I was ok even though it was really tired. I know I calmed the boys but I couldn’t calm myself I just wanted to go and tell those guys off. When we reached my house the 3 of us got down, I gave a hug to matta and told him I’ll see him soon and Kevin that I will come pick him up in a few minutes for class. Before I got off the bus I just really wanted to give them a piece of mind. “You see when a girl is tired everyone she knows and when I mean everyone I referring to are other gender the male side to let us rest for a while with piece and quietness unfortunately you boys haven’t been helpful. I was trying to sleep but all of you had to create a ruckus in here. You be lucky that you have your face, you see those two guys out there those are my best friends I had to calm them down with great difficulty since you haven’t really noticed that mostly at places like the bus you should be quiet. Please do keep that in mind before someone else tries to break your bones cause I’m not there to save your sorry little lives” I guess I was pretty annoyed. I wasn’t having good day at all. When I got down I couldn’t balance myself and matta held me “you know alie you should be careful the chest infection..”I had to stop matta before he could say anything else if he did Kevin would’ve got to know as well and not many people know about it. Kevin looked confused and questioned matta and me even though none of us answered we told him it was nothing to forget about it. “Hey I think you shouldn’t come for class today wait home rest you look terrible your eyes are really red, I’ll tell miss J that you weren’t doing so good”. Even though Kevin said he’ll tell I didn’t want to skip class I had to go. Regional’s was coming up and we weren’t even finished with one song so I had to go. I told Kevin that I’ll come pick him up in 10 minutes, to run home and quickly change and that I’ll be there. I ran home took a quick wash, changed, packed my bags and picked Natalie and then went to Kevin's house to pick him up otherwise he would get late and get scolded again, I didn’t want that happening. We picked Kevin and by 4.56 the 3 of us were in class. When I went to class I just went to a corner and sat there with my head kept on my legs and Kevin sat next to me and held my hand “it’s going to be ok”. He was really sweet and I saw how he cared for me. “Alie you ok? You look beat. Your eyes are really red” Natalie and all the other girls questioned me. I told them I was fine it’s been just a hectic day that’s it. To make my day any better miss J surprised us “ok don’t we are going to have the couple performances to see who is going to be participating at the competition” my mouth dropped open and I looked at Kevin. I was worried and we weren’t ready. Err my day was just not right. The only lucky thing I had was both Kevin and I had bought are costumes. Without even thinking about anything I just lent on Kevin’s body. I could feel his hands around my stomach so I got the fact that it was ok with him. From a far I could see Rachel smiling away at me. First up was Jennifer and Liam they had bought their costumes as well. So far as I knew it was just Jennifer’s couple and mine that had bought their costumes. Before Jennifer started with her introduction miss j introduced who the judges were going to be tonight. Manisha perera she was an old student of Miss Jessica’s back in 2010 and Ian Jayamane he was also an old dancer back in 2010 with manisha and he is Miss Jessica’s little brother. After the judges was introduced Jennifer gave their introduction “good evening guys I’m Jennifer and this is my partner Liam today we will be dancing to the song danza kuduro hope you will like it”. They were really good for second I knew they would get it. Kevin knew was I getting more nervous and I was worrying more. Why wouldn’t I? For a fact we weren’t ready and it was my first time. Oh how I could just sleep on my bed right now. Would have been better I wouldn’t have had anything to worry about. Slowly one of Kevin’s hands was on my stomach while the other was being held my hand. He kept me calm for a while but gradually everything felt ok. Next up was Rachel and Zac “yellow guys I’m Zac and this is my girl Rachel and we will be dancing to the song coconut tree”. They weren’t ready as well. To make it worse they didn’t have their costumes as well. At least we weren’t the only couple that was going to suck that night. After Rachel it was Helen and Daniel. When I had spoken to Helen before her performance she told me that even though they weren’t ready with their costumes they were ready with their performance so they had nothing to worry about. Daniel gave the introduction “hello my friends miss J and our loving judges. I’m Daniel and this Helen my partner today we will be dancing for dessert rain and please do excuse us we didn’t bring our costumes. Hope you enjoy” to be honest I didn’t know Daniel was that formal in class he acts like a typical lunatic, I guess he is trying to hide it. Being close to Kevin made me feel better; it made me fall for him. I could feel him breathing on my neck which actually tickled. Helen’s performance was really simple and nice; you could also feel the chemistry between the couple. Either way next was Natalie and shehan. Natalie kept freaking out so before she went up I went and spoke to her “what am I going to do, we suck and not ready at all” Natalie kept rubbing her hands together. I held her hand told her to take a deep breath “look sweetie you’re awesome and it’s just a performance so don’t worry just dance your heart out and breathe please”. She smiled at me and went up on stage holding shehan’s hand. “Hey guys I’m Natalie and this Is partner shehan and today we will be dancing to ai se tu pego. Please do forgive us for we aren’t ready and I know I’m pretty nervous about that so please bear with us” while their performance was going on miss j told Kevin and me to get ready. I didn’t take long I just had to wear my dress and put eye liner. When I was done I saw the way Kevin was struggling to wear his tie so I went and helped him. The weird thing is I couldn’t reach him he was kind of tall and to go on my toes. Believe me I know Natalie said she wasn’t ready but she did ok. It wasn’t that good neither was it that bad. Up next was Ryan and shehani. Ryan started his introduction with “hello everyone I’m your boy Ryan and this is shehani my partner and we will be dancing to it will rain and yes please do forgive us we are not ready with our costumes. Now I was nervous. I was standing in front of Kevin while he is being so cool about everything. He standing against the wall and just smiling and waiting while I’m panicking. In a few minutes it was my turn and I’m still nervous Kevin turned me towards him and whispered ‘trust me’. I did but we were not ready “I do trust you but how can I? We are not ready. And this is my first performance everyone is going to hate me”. He pulled me close to him and gave me a big hug and held my hand and walked up to the stage with me. I gave the introduction “hello everyone I’m Alison and this Kevin my partner. Today we will be dancing to the song moment for life. This performance is about a girl and boy who have been dating for a while and they are finally getting married and it’s a moment for both of their lives. Hope you enjoy it”. The lights went dim and I took a step back. I was in shock when we were done. We had completed the entire song without even practicing. It was impossible. We danced our heart out and I lost my balance. I was exhausted. I couldn’t keep up. I could see everyone surrounding me. I was lying on Kevin’s lap “someone get her water she’s just tired don’t worry”. I was just tired “ did we do well?” I questioned Kevin. He looked into my eyes and “we did great”. I was really glad to have him as my partner. He helped me get up and both of went and sat with everyone else while the judges were talking with miss J. Kevin asked me to sit on his lap and I did. I know I didn’t even have to look at Rachel and Natalie because I knew they were smiling at the both of us “ok will you both please cut it out. It’s annoying” I just don’t get those two girls. Miss j came on stage with Ian and Manisha as well. “Hi everyone I’m Manisha. All of you did a great job. It was a nice effort. One thing you should know life can surprise you anytime you should always be prepared for it. For instance today, miss J gave you guys an amazing surprise even though it wasn’t good at all some of you were ready and some almost ready. Like that even life will be the same. So be ready. That’s one thing I wanted to tell and the next thing is this is a couple performance ‘couple’ includes two people becoming one. You have to become one with your partner you have to show the audience the chemistry between the partners but I didn’t feel it in some of you. The next is when you’re giving an introduction about a performance you should tell her us about your performance and not much of you did that well only one of you did so girls and boys keep this in mind. Now Ian will give you the results on who is going to perform at the regional competition”. In third was Rachel and shehan, second was Jennifer and Liam and in first Kevin and Alison. I was really happy . I turned and gave Kevin a big hug and now  whispered “I trust you Kevin I really do”. Miss J told everyone that she was proud of us and that we can finish class a little early than usual. Kevin went home in his tux and I went home in my white tube dress, it looked liked Kevin and I just came from a wedding. “You know you guys look like the bride and groom, all alie needs is a wail. Shall I go get you one?” Natalie asked me. She didn’t stop laughing and so didn’t Rachel. I looked at Kevin and winked at him, he got what I was up to though “duh! Kevin and I just had the moment of our lives. Why can’t you see that I’m in my bride’s dress and he is in his groom’s tux”. Natalie and Rachel just paused while Kevin and I got to laugh enough and more. I said bye to all three of them and went home. I was excited on telling my mom that Kevin I won today, I just had dinner, took a wash and went to my room and relaxed for while. After a few minutes my phone received a message from an unknown number ‘you have gorgeous eyes love’. That was really creepy and I just ignored the message and went to sleep.             

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