Love isn't just a word

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Love is magical. It will bring you into great heights and let you soar. Love is as wonderful as an unfulfilled fantasy.

In stories it says that we need Love in this world. We need it to make a nation whole, to make a relationship work, and to understand and feel things that are difficult to comprehend. We need love to keep going in life and to carry on with the struggles that we have.

Life without love is not a life at all. According to a famous line, "Love makes the world go round". It plays a great role in building us up and making us the best individuals that we can be. If we have no heart in doing something it is like we are doing nothing. With love everything seems possible. It gives us hope, passion, courage, and keeps our spirits high. With love we understand more and feel more.

Love is a kind of emotion that we always want to feel. Wherever I go, people are craving for this. It is a medicine for those sick souls which need vibrance and life.
It is really that powerful. We love because we love. We want to be cared for and also to care for someone. We are born because of love and we grow because of it too.

Falling in Love. This phase is so wonderful that we feel lost in it most of the time. Like two people meeting at an unexpected time and place, seen each other and never felt the same anymore. Or two people just bumped into each other and fell in love. Like in books, stories, and  fairytales. I've imagined it  inside my head many times. Or the songs that you keep playing all over again that makes your heart beat in a different way.

When you experience this you really cannot stop yourself from feeling an unfamiliar emotion or a sudden surge of emotion. It brings tears in your eyes, smile on your lips, and a tickle in your heart.

In general, love is a paradise. But that's on the other side.

The other side. Love is surreal but it could be the opposite too. It could be a storm which carries a calamity.

This is the other side of love that you don't want to feel or experience. It is like walking on thorns and breaking your heart in million pieces.

But a lot try to take the risk. For those who are realistic, love isn't pure bliss. It is more painful than happy at times.But anyway, all of us are free to love. We just have to know the risk of it. If you're ready then you can take the risk.

Many of us would want to take risk for this emotion. We risk ourselves and our heart just to fall in the pit of bliss.

Love is butterflies in a garden full of roses or a sparkling ocean on a summer day. It can be a rainbow in a blue and black sky. Love is too wonderful for words. Love is something unexplainable, indeed.

However, love is not that perfect. It has it hidden side as well. Love is pure bliss and ecstacy but it is also dangerous when misunderstood. Love should bring the best in everyone but it can also bring the worst.

We people make mistakes sometimes as how we understand love. We understand it in a different way that's why instead of keeping it we lose it.

Love cannot be described just by words. It has to materialize before it can have its meaning.

Love is risky. Love is fatal. Love is wonderful. Fall cautiously.

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