Chapter 10

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It was almost a week before Hedwig finally showed up at Hermione's window in her room. All week she had been waiting, feeling like it had been months. Hermione went to the window, took Harry and Ron's letter, and put Harry's, Ron's, and Draco's into her claws. As she flew away, Hermione watched Hedwig fly up into the clouds. She hoped more than anything that he would write back. Since Hermione didn't really have friends outside school, all she really usually did on summer break is just send letters, read, and sometimes play around with the grand piano the Watsons had in there family room. Every day she would look out the window; hoping that Hedwig would come, but she didn't. Every day she would hope, but then Hedwig would never be there. Hermione decided a good way to pass the time was to think about what would happen next school year. Will me and him he together? Will it be awkward? Will he not even like me back? All these questions were yet to be answered. Hermione didn't know what to think. She hoped that Draco would keep the "secret letter thing" a secret. Then something struck Hermione. If they got together, they are in different houses, so they wouldn't be able to see each other hardly at all. Will have to meet secretly. Somewhere in Hogwarts. Every night. Hermione was so excited to get back to Hogwarts. She just hoped Draco would write back. Hermione's train of thought was lost as her mom called her downstairs.,"Hermione! Time for dinner!"
Hermione went down the stairs to eat, smiling.

Draco stood in his room, wand in hand practicing spells. He couldn't do much, but it practice makes perfect. Basically the reason he was doing this is so he could impress Hermione. The last time he tried to impress her, he just embarrassed him self in front of everyone. Then suddenly, a white owl scratched at his window. What? Draco thought as he let the owl in. Then Hedwig put the letter on the floor, and flew out. Draco almost fainted at who he saw sent it. It was Hermione. He quickly went to grab the letter, and toor the it open on his bed. The letter read,

Dear Draco,
You probably already know, but this is Hermione writing to you. I'm writing to you because I didn't have the guts to tell you in person. You should know that this is taking all the courage I have in my body to write this. Draco, I have a crush on you. I like you very much. Please write back. I want to know how you feel about me. And make sure to keep it a secret.

After Draco read he thought he would faint. He immediately went to get his quill and some parchment.shaking hand, he wrote:

                  Dear Hermione,
                        Thanks for the letter. I didn't realize it till after, but I like you to. A lot. I don't know how it will work though, you know my dad. But will figure it out.
                                                               Your friend,

Then he sealed it, wrote Hermiones address and sent it. He'd never felt so relieved in his life. He couldn't wait till next year. Next year, next year would be different. They would be together. Who cares if crab and goyle make fun of us. He thought. I'll finally be happy for once in my life.

The next day Hermione woke to see hedwig sitting her desk waiting patiently for her to wake. The. She saw on her desk the letters. She quickly got up and grabbed the one from Draco. She tore it open. After she read it, she felt the whole world was filled with happiness. Then she quickly put the letter down, made up her bed, and went down stairs for breakfast, smiling.

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