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I've never been so nervous, yet somewhat excited in my entire life. It's my first day of high school, or any school for that matter. We haven't even been living here, in Illinois, for a month, and my mom expects me to start going to school, a real school?! I've been homeschooled my whole life and I've always been happy that way, although that made the making friends thing a bit difficult, so I came up with an alternative. After my 14th birthday, I realized I needed something to do, so I pooled my money up and bought an iPhone! It's a 5s because that was the newest phone at the time, and I saved up to get a case, too. I ended up getting a waterproof case so I could use it in the pool (yes, pool!) we had at out old house and left for this small city house with a patch of grass as a backyard. I ended up up making a couple of friends on social media.

Anyways, back to the subject of schools. At around 6:45 on the dreadful morning of September first, my mother, the twins (Kate and Jake, both 10, the most annoying of all the ages), my older sister Sam, my older brother Alex and I were gathered around the cramped kitchen table. As usual, we were eating bowls of steaming hot oatmeal and cold glasses of orange juice, the typical McDee breakfast. I pat my golden retriever puppy on the head and mom gives us each a good bye hug and we head down to the corner of the street. Since both my older siblings and I are all going to be going to the local high school, home of the Bloomington Bobcats (roar), via the 7:00 bus, a twenty minute ride from our suburban palace.

I'm told I will be going into tenth grade, while both of my siblings will be seniors, even though Sam is about a year younger than Alex is. When we finally hop off the bus, I shrug my plain black backpack (picked out by mom) onto one shoulder and part ways with my beloved siblings, who mysteriously seem to know where they are going. I make sure the laces of my favorite shoes, my red converse high tops, are tied so I don't fall and look like an idiot. Of course they are, so I walk through the doors of my new prison, I mean school.

I don't have any actual experience with real schools, but from what I hear it's basically like being in jail, and that's not even counting detention! (Note to self: learn what "detention" is.) Anyways, as soon as I step through the doors, it's chaos. I'm so hypnotized by the constant movement of students that I don't even notice when a girl with straight blonde hair and a big smile comes up to me.
"You must be new," she said.
I nodded. "How did you know?"
"It's obvious!" She laughs and pulls me towards a group of people who I assumed were her friends. I smiled, introduced myself, and had the best five minutes of my life... until first period started.

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