The Start Of An Adventure

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Need To know
1.)I own nothing except the Oc's
2.)this will be a harem Fanfic and it will have lemons don't like it well there are plenty other Fanfics out there
3.) this is for Jutsu's Oiroke no Jutsu
4.)this is for when it is mind talking time "sup"
5.) if you don't like this story please don't be mean and tell me that
6.)this is for demon talking "kit"
-----Sometimes the world no longer needs a hero sometimes what it needs is a Monster-----
Dracula from the Dracula untold movie

Naruto jumped back as he dodged a claw swip aimed for his body he then rolled to his left and grabbed a still frozen Sasuke who snapped out of his frozen ways and pushed Naruto away as a claw came and missed them both they both looked at the giant three headed dog which had all six of its eyes on the both of them Naruto growled and launched the kunia he had it sailed pass the dog and into the Forest the giant dog watched it sail into the forest and looked back at the two brothers "Missed" it said in a growl Naruto and Sasuke smirked "wasn't aiming at you" said Sasuke who pointed behind the giant black three headed dog who looked and saw a cut vine then out of nowhere two giant logs came from his left and right the giant got hit hard splintering the wood of the logs a trickle of blood came out of the middle head while the left head had a giant splinter in it on the right two more splinters were in it but what surprised both Sasuke and Naruto the dog walk forward only to hear a crack from the ground then it looked up with eyes mixed with both pleading and anger as the ground caved in and the giant dog fell to its death as Sasuke went over to the edge and saw the dog had a giant pike straight throught his head well the middle on the other two were dead it also had a another giant pike straight through its spine

Naruto walked next to Sasuke and perred over "think it's dead" he asked his black haired brother Sasuke shrugged "should we check" he asked Naruto who nodded and looked at Sasuke "i'll do it" he said Sasuke nodded and looked around and grabbed a giant long as long as his arm and as thick as his body then he handed it to Naruto "here just incase" Naruto nodded and took it then hopped down the hole to check to see if the beast is dead he hit the ground lightly and poked the giant dog lightly when it didn't move he slammed his club into the middle head the into the left head then into the right head when none moved he smirked and started his climb out when he was finally out he looked at Sasuke "it's dead" he said "so maybe Akuma-sensai was telling the truth" said Sasuke Naruto who nodded and said "no shit we need bigger and better traps" Sasuke nodded then began there three month stay which to them wasn't that bad they killed any demons that came to close to there camp with ethier traps or if they could there own make shift spears and clubs they soon realized that the wild life here on the island was dwindling so with much causation they started eating the demons and other giant creatures they killed it actually increased there mana pools exponentially right now we find the two brothers fishing in a nearby river well Sasuke was Naruto was washing his face "so it'll be three months tomorrow do you think our answer is right" asked Sasuke Naruto covered his face with water in his hands then shook his hands "hope so with oue mana pools being bigger we will need more control training although why he still hasn't taught us any spells is beyond me" said the blonde haired boy and it was true Akuma hasn't taught them any spells only how to manage and control Mana when they asked him why he didn't teach them spells he just kept saying "you'll learn why soon enough"

It actually only further made the brothers question and pester him for spells now here they are about to get more training it only further made Naruto shiver training with him was already torture even more made him nearly cry "oh kami" he said out loud "Sasuke looked at him "what" Naruto shivered "training with Akuma-sensai was hell now it'll be three times that hell" he looked to see a thinking Sasuke who's eyes widened then visibly shivered "Oh Kami your right" he said night soon came and we now find the two brothers at there camp it has changed they now both lived in a large mud hut with one window around the hut were pikes and barbed thorns "so Sasuke what do you think it will be like" asked Naruto Sasuke looked at him "what will be like what" asked Sasuke "being a Overlord or Underlord in your case" asked Naruto Sasuke shrugged "who knows but from what the gods have told us it'll be fun" Naruto got up and looked at his brother "they never said we could come back" Sasuke got up and looked at him "what" he asked "they never said we could come back from Sectora" said Naruto Sasuke's eyes widened they never did but then again they were gods so they probably had a back up plan for them to come back home "don't worry about it they probably have a way for us to come home" said Sasuke Naruto nodded "get some sleep we have to go 'home' tomorrow" he said home with air quotes Naruto nodded and soon went to sleep and sasuke followed soon after

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