The Brothers Return And Meet

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Need To know
1.)I own nothing except the Oc's
2.)this will be a harem Fanfic and it will have lemons don't like it well there are plenty other Fanfics out there
3.) this is for Jutsu's Oiroke no Jutsu
4.)this is for when it is mind talking time "sup"
5.) if you don't like this story please don't be mean and tell me that
6.)this is for demon talking "kit"
"You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain"
~~~~~Harvey Dent Batman Begins
Sasuke and Naruto both woke up gasping for air they looked around to find themselves still in the room at the tavern Naruto got up and helped Sasuke up "so did you have fun" the two brothers jumped and turned to see the gods still sitting were they were Naruto and his brother calmed down then Naruto spook "it...was....AWESOME" said Naruto "i love my new powers" said Naruto "and Sasuke how was your time In Sectora" Sasuke smirked "it was cool i lead a war band of orcs they followed my every command it felt great I felt unstoppable" Kami and the other Gods smirked they sorta thought that the brothers would die the moment they reached Sectora but guess they were wrong Kami then got up and stepped towards the two boys "you boys now have your legacy don't squander it from here on out it'll be hard Solarius will throw everything he and the Betrayer can at you train up get stronger and be ready" Naruto and Sasuke nodded then Naruto looked outside to see the sun coming up "how long were we gone" Kami shrugged "about all night give or take" Naruto widened his eyes as did Sasuke and then nodded "also before i forget the only way you can get back to Sectora is by saying 'Porta' sort for Portal" Naruto and Sasuke nodded then Yami stepped up "also happy birthday boys" she said as she handed Naruto a package and then handed Sasuke a package they both bowed and said thank you which made Yami smile "now we have to leave for we have done enough and can't help you anymore so good luck you to" said Kami as she bent down and kissed both there foreheads then she disappeared "Good luck guys" said Yami then she disappeared "you do your ancestors good now make them proud" said victus then he disappeared "may fate help you although we all know that it doesn't control ether of you so good luck" said Prometheus then he disappeared Naruto looked at Sasuke and smiled then they bumped fists "wait isn't today the last day of the academy" said Naruto Sasuke nodded then looked to see a smirking Naruto something told him that the blonde had a plan in his head


The moment the commotion had died down after the arrival of the Namikaze family, minus Naruto, the clan heads were talking today was the day there kids became ninja Minato and his wife Kushina who was holding a small Shio "so Minato so you think your children will pass" asked Fugaku Uchiha clan head of the Uchiha clan Chief of the K.P.F or the Konoha Police Force oh and He's Sasuke's Father. Minato turned toward his long time friend and smiled "of course both Menma and Naruko will pass" he said proudly with Kushina shaking her head at his over activeness "what about Naruto" said a heavenly voice Minato turned to face Mikoto Uchiha Fugaku's wife and Kushina's best friend Minato raised his eyebrow in confusion and then shrugged "with the way his grades have been looking I'd say he would barley make it along with your son Sasuke no offense thou" Fugaku waved his hand nonchalantly he had been trying to strengthen Sasuke for years and in courage him to be more like his brother Itachi and his cousin Shushi and even when he trained the boy Sasuke was To weak to even advance even a little "Sasuke barely tries at best and that's putting it lightly" said Fugaku with Mikoto nodding in agreement Kushina shook her head "what is with those boys do they actually believe that there name will carry them in the world" she said to Minato Fugaku and Mikoto who nodded at her words to many ninja had died to believing that there name held weight in a fight plus add that to the arrogance and you have a bad ninja with no skills at all and horrible manners to as they discussed what they would do with there sons they were unknowingly going to make a plan that would make there children hate them even more

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