Chapter 3:Amagalm

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Devonte looked over at the ceiling to check if there were any cameras, then there was a locking noise. Christian had ran up the stairs to check on the noise. Coming down he coughed a bit before announcing, "We're locked down here by something very unusual." he said before sitting in a chair solemnly. First the droning mishap, the roadblocks. Unusual behavior of the bus station. At any point I knew if any of us panicked we'd be in trouble. Mello tried to turn off the box but it wouldn't go. There was no power button and the plug was rusted in the wall. I had looked at the small controller on the floor. Curious toward the situation I picked it up and decided to play. I wiggle the analog stick around to see how to play, and soon enough the sprite that looked like me had moved. I was surprised it would choose me right off the bat, and it kinda felt creepy. Laughing off the nervousness I had, I continued to play. leading my character around the room my character read different notes such as "Don't force open a broken path" and "Each soul carries a virtue." All sounded like riddles to me, if not puzzles.

Intently I had followed these as wise notes and carried on, fearing that I might encounter a jump-scare or two over the ominous buzzing the game gave. I got stuck and Mello offered to give a hand. He had gotten stuck a few times, not sure what to do in this situation. Christian checked around the room, not minding us playing a little game. He found a door on the other side of the room that resembled an exit, but the door was locked and Jammed in as if it were too big. "Damnit!" He said absurdly through his breath.

Mello had put the controller down and went to go take a small nap. Jess was biting her nails, confused and terrified of the situation. Around this time it seemed as if No-one in the room knew the time passing by, and was about to give up hope. Devonte took the controller sadly, spinning in circles as to see how to progress. Christian had sat by the stairs watching our gameplay. Time passed and Devonte found the door had a funny look to it in the game, so he tried to open it by pressing the only button the controller had. Words read  "Door Jammed". He tried over and over and suddenly the light in the room popped off and the backroom door swung open. Jess gave a shriek and ran up the stairs, frightened as everyone else stood still. I was frightened myself, but something told me not to move a single muscle. So there I sat until the light cut back on. Christian had disappeared along with Devonte. Mello panicked a bit but soon calmed down. I heard Jess crying upstairs and decided to pick up the controller again. The backdoor place was open in the game, so I decided I'd adventure out. Apparently only Jess',Mello's and my sprite were in the room. Going out of the door I walked into a sewage path.

It wasn't much detailing since most of the place was dark, but dimly lit. I led my character to a fork in the path and decided to take the right path. On my way down I started to see fuzzy vision on the TV, and a person who had been dressed in a black cloak was standing there, waiting. I stood there eager to know who that was, or WHAT that was. I had no genuine idea, but whatever it was started chasing me, and fast! I turned my character around and heading back to the fork. On my way to the destined path I found a dead end and a switch. The man behind me slowly began to alternate into some foul crawling creature and I was stuck in between making little time to think before I made action. As the creature came close I pressed the switch and maneuvered my way past the beast's swing, quickly dodging by a needle. I was lucky to have made it past the guy, but I ran off to the right path again after running down the left path. On my way I saw the gate was open, but soon closing as I was rushing toward making it. My character went into a sprint and I made the cut just on time.

The beast just stood at the gate, staring at me. I felt a bit safe, but yet disturbed. It was like being watched by more than one pair of eyes, and even worse my own. This creature spoke a little dialogue, and even added captions. "Cheater. Liar" It would repeat. I decided it was a good time to quit fooling around and keep moving ahead.  

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