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     "Jackson, would you mind telling me why we're here?" said Marcus

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     "Jackson, would you mind telling me why we're here?" said Marcus.

     "Patience, Marcus.  I'll tell you in a minute" Jackson replied.

The helicopter carrying 5 people; Marcus the former military pilot,  Jackson the poacher, Moira the British park ranger, Joseph the wilderness guide, and Angus the Scottish lumberjack, had arrived to the location.  They all grabbed their weapons of choice and exited the chopper, heading deep in the unknown jungles.

     "Alright Jackson", Marcus said clutching his assault rifle, "where the hell are we"?

All Jackson did was smirk.  Then he grabbed one of his pistols and fired straight up in the air.  The noise echoed throughout the quiet jungle.  When Jackson put it away, he felt the ground vibrating.  Two loud thuds were getting closer to the five.  When the bushes parted behind Joseph and Moira, they immediately held up their guns.  An animal was running toward them, but it wasn't like any animal they've seen before.  It was a medium-sized, long legged, lizard-like creature.  With stubby arms, and two horns above its eyes like a bull.  And it was charging at them.

     "It's a Carnotaurus?!" Moira said with amazement.

Joseph didn't care.  Dinosaur or not, it was going to die.  He shot at the Carnotsurus's face with his pistol.  The bullet bounced harmlessly off the Carnotaurus's thick skull, but after a few more shots, they hit the Carnotaurus in the neck and chest.  The dinosaur screeched in agony, and ran back in the jungle.  After this, Jackson was greeted by a punch from Marcus.

     "What the hell, man?!" Marcus shouted.  "You never said anything about a freaking dinosaur!"

     "You know I love poaching", Jackson began.  "I've hunted everything from a mouse to a moose.  I've even bagged an elephant.  But in the long run, none of these things matter.  With an island inhabited by raptors and T-rexes, and no one but us knowing about it, do you realize how much money I would get if I came back with one of these things?"

Marcus crossed his arms.  

     "You greedy little bastard.  One of these days, you'll get what you deserve."

Jackson grinned and started walking into the jungle.  Soon the others joined him.

Joseph pointed forward.  "I see an open field," he said.

Everyone kept walking forward, but Moira stopped for a brief moment to take a drink from her water bottle.  She planned on taking a few quick sips, but surprised herself when she gulped down half of the bottle.  The water felt warm in her throat, but at least it satisfied her thirst.  When she caught up to the group, she was surprised to see everyone motionless.  There was another dinosaur in front of them.  This time though, it was on all fours with a long, stiff tail and a head with a six-foot crest on it.

     "Fascinating", she whispered.  "A Parasaurolophus."

The hadrosaur continued eating, chewing loudly.  It raised its head on a few occasions, but then lowered it again to keep eating.  Jackson thought about getting his net gun out, but decided not to this time.  Soon though, the peaceful silence was broken.

The grass near the Parasaurolophus broke open with the face of a small dinosaur.  It had a slender body, with a massive sickled claw on its second toe.  The Parasaurolophus turned around to try and view the animal, when a second leaped on its back.  The Parasaurolophus bucked as a third sunk its teeth into its neck.  The Parasaurolophus bucked and reared on its hind legs, but was useless because the predator's toe claw was embedded deep in its skin.  Soon all three of these carnivores were on the Parasaurolophus, biting and ripping open its flesh.

The people didn't stay to see if the Parasaurolophus survived.  They ran as fast as their legs could carry them.  They were all breathing heavily.   Angus was the first to speak,

     "This is a hell-hole.  We aren't going to make it out of here alive.  Jackson, I don't know what the fuck you were thinking, but you have just endangered all of us, and we are going to go right back to that chopper," he said.

Everyone was quick to agree, and they started walking back the way they came.  Everyone except Moira.  She instead walked back to the field.  The creatures were too busy eating the corpse to notice her.  Marcus was the first to notice Moira.  He called to her, but his calls went unanswered.  Soon she was running to the other end of the field.

"Damn you to hell," Marcus said, and he signaled for the others to follow him.

When they reached the other side of the field, none of the people knew about the small predator that stopped eating to notice them.  It wiped the blood off its snout, and slunk behind the people, chittering quietly.

  It wiped the blood off its snout, and slunk behind the people, chittering quietly

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Primal Carnage: Battle For SurvivalWhere stories live. Discover now