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Lauren Jauregui was the kind of person that was easily entertained. She could easily lose herself in the pages of a good book, or in the beats of a song. If it appealed to her heart, it could carry her away without effort until she forgot her own name. And she lived for these kind of things; the little things, she adored them. Orange skies when the sun is going down, the summer breeze drifting through open windows and making curtains flutter. She lived for the art that is the world; and it gave purpose to her life in so many ways.

She loved going onto spontaneous trips, loved to spend time with her friends, hanging out and talking until the sun came up.

She loved taking pictures of everything she saw, because everything was worth being captured for all of eternity. Especially her friends, they were worth being remembered forever.

Lauren Jauregui found joy in all the small things – but not now.

"Mani!" Lauren whined loudly, from her spot on the bed where she lay sprawled about, faced up at the ceiling. Her best friend, Normani, was sat at the desk, furiously tapping away on the keyboard of her laptop, lost in concentration. Lauren whined once more when she was obviously ignored.

"What?" Normani finally snapped, spinning her chair around swiftly, to face her annoying best friend.

"I am bored," Lauren simply said, eyes still locked on the white above her, failing to notice her friend rolling her eyes at her.

"Then do something."

"I would," The raven haired girl sighed, "But someone is too busy writing an essay."

She herself had finished the thing days ago, but then again, she didn't have a crazy schedule – unlike Normani. That girl just had so many things going on that Lauren wondered how she was able to get enough sleep at night. If she were the one running from class to dance to music to family – she'd be long buried under the ground; died from exhaustion.

A book was thrown into her direction and landed onto her stomach, which made Lauren grunt loudly.

"Hey, what was that for?" She complained loudly, finally pushing herself to sit upright and regard her friend.

"For that subtle dissing you just did," Was the response before the ebony girl faced her laptop again, back to ignoring Lauren, who groaned loudly again.

"Okay, that's it," Normani removed herself from her desk and walked over to Lauren, hand outstretched, "give me your phone."

Puzzled, Lauren handed it over and watched as Normani tapped away, ignoring her friend's questions.

After ten minutes, Normani handed her back the phone; at first, Lauren found nothing altered: there were no new messages in her inbox or on Facebook or Tumblr or whatever – so what was it exactly that Normani did? But then she noticed the little icon – it vaguely resembled Tinder.

"No, Mani!" Lauren already got onto her high horse. There was no fricken way she would ever stoop to installing Tinder on her phone – desperate to get laid or meet anyone. She was perfectly happy being single, thank you very much, and she did not need fuckboys and fuckgirls blowing up her phone; or however the damn app worked.

Normani simply held up a sole finger to silence Lauren, her look actually stern. The raven girl had never actually seen her friend look so stern; she surely felt intimated. She fell silent right away.

"It's actually Hinder," Normani explained slowly, as if she were talking to a five-year old. Lauren felt offended, but she dared not to say anything. "And it's an app for people who are on a Tinder date but need assistance getting out of it. It's a new little thing. Maybe you can go do that and stop bothering me – go save some damsel in distress and do the world a favour."

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