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Staring into Lauren Jauregui's eyes, you could see galaxies swirling. The green reminded of a sweet Spring day, with birds happily chirping in the sky, and no worries weighing down the soul. Staring into Lauren Jauregui's eyes was soothing; it was calming, and it made feel like coming home. It was warmth in this otherwise cold world, and there was nothing better than it. Nothing.

But the one staring into Lauren Jauregui's eyes at the moment was herself.

With a sigh, the raven-haired girl pulled back, after correcting her eye-liner with a steady hand. Satisfied with the result, she put down the pencil and grabbed for her favourite dark lipstick. She applied it deftly and smacked her lips, checking in the mirror for any excess leftovers.

Finally having completed her look, she allowed her eyes to wander to the sight behind her, the mirror reflecting a sprawled out Dinah Jane on her bed, busy on her cellphone, and an just as sprawled out Normani watching tv right beside their blonde friend.

"What do you think?" Lauren finally asked the two out-of-the-world dorks, and both eyes flitted to hers immediately. Dinah confused, Normani proud.

"I'm thinking I still don't understand why you're going on this date," Dinah said immediately, even though she perfectly knew Lauren wasn't asking her opinion about her date. "What was the girl's name again?"

Lauren openly rolled her eyes and turned away from Dinah, opting to turn to her closet to finalize her outfit, sighing with relief when she heard Normani come to her defense.

"She's going on that date with Lucy," Normani reminded the blonde for the millionth time. "And you wouldn't be complaining if you saw her. She's hot."

Lauren hummed in agreement.

"Yeah... But I bet you that Camila is hotter." Dinah piped up again, and at this Lauren turned around.

"Camila isn't interested in me whatsoever, so would you please drop it?"

"How do you know?"

"Well, she didn't react to Lauren's cute ass speech, did she?!"

Lauren was truly grateful for Normani in that moment, and her heart swelled with love for her friend. For Dinah, she wasn't that grateful, because she just couldn't let go.

"Yeah, but did Lauren tell her that she actually meant it?"

The raven-haired girl grumpily took out the black dress she had chosen for herself and disappeared into her bathroom, all the while ignoring her friends' bickering in the other room.

When she came out not ten minutes later, the voices in the room grew quiet, and it caused a smug smirk to appear on Lauren's face. If her friends reacted like that, surely her date would too.

Dinah whistled lowly under her breath.

"Damn, Lauser," Was all she could say. "If I weren't as straight as a pole, I'd have you for myself."

Normani hummed in agreement next to her, but quickly lost interest and regained her focus on the tv.

Just as Lauren went to pick up her purse, her phone went off, and as her eyes were on her screen, she didn't see Dinah's smug smirk appear at the sound of the ringtone.

[From Camila:] Hey Laur, I kind of need your help

Of course. Was this a fucking fairy tale or something? That one time she decided to leave Camila for what she was – uninterested – and go on a date with someone that asked her out, she'd get a text. Never mind that she hadn't heard from the Cuban since that night at the bar. Lauren had deemed it hopeless.

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