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I was laying in the library, reading an interesting book on different monsters. As I got to the part about the ood, I heard the doctor come in. "Ah, hello Lucy!" He said, overly excited to see me. "Come on! Get up! We're going to go have some fun!" He grabbed my arm and pulled me along out into the console room. As he did so, I chuckled a bit. "Where are we going?" He let go of my arm and spun dramatically around to look at me. "Dancing!"  I frowned a bit. "But I can't dance." He kept on smiling like a madman. "I'll teach you." With that, he spun towards the tardis console and started pressing buttons and pulling levers. Once he had made the tardis take off, he looked at me. "It's in your room."
"What is?"
"A surprise."
I smiled at him, and ran to my room. Inside on my bed was a long, flowy, strapless dress. It was tardis blue with golden flecks on it. I tried it on quickly, and it fit like a glove. I walked out to the console room, smiling. The doctor looked towards me, and his eyes widened a bit. "You look stunning..." Just then, the tardis landed violently, sending the doctor towards the doors. They opened just before he got them, and he was sent sprawling backwards into what looked to be a grassy green field.

I jogged over to the doctor, and helped him up. He smiled a bit, and then perked up. "Let's go!" He said, pulling me towards a small hill. He stopped when we got to the top, and I was able to see a small group of tents with a group of people dancing in the centre. The doctor looked at me happily and we both ran towards the group. When we got there, I took off my shoes and let the doctor lead me to the centre of my group. There was joyful music playing, and so we danced along to that. The doctor had his hands in mine, and we spun and danced. With the change of the songs,we made easy transitions into fast or slow songs. After awhile, it started to get dark and lanterns were lit. The band played slower songs, and eventually the only light casted on the party was from the lanterns and stars. While dancing to a slow song, the doctor lead me out of the crowd and to a different spot outside of the tent circle. He ran out, waving his arms around like an idiot. Just before I could ask what he was doing, though, fireflies lit up from the ground and began to dance around the skies.

The doctor walked calmly over to me, beaming, and offered me his hand. In the distance, the band played Photograph, by Ed Sheeran. He held my waist with one hand and my hand with the other. We slowly danced like that, and eventually, the doctor pulled me close, slowly spinning with me, watching the fireflies dance with us. We spun in silence, close to each other, enjoying the silence. Then, when the song ended, the doctor smiled at me, looking calm and happy. Then, he looked back at the tardis, and looked at me. "Shall we go?" I nodded, and he spun around and ran with me back to the tardis. We burst through the doors, and they shut behind us. The doctor lifted me by my waist and spun me in the air, putting his arm under my legs and catching me, bridal style. Then, he put me down jently,and we waltzed off to the library. When we got there, the doctor and I layed side by side on the couch in front of the fire. I didn't fall asleep till I heard the soft hum of him breathing, deep asleep.

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