the hospital

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We got out of the ambulance and I practically ran to the waiting room after the doctor told us we couldn't go with her. Louis sat beside me and Harry on my other side then Liam, Zayn, and Niall. Beside Louis was a wall. I wish I was a wall. Their just there. Standing like good little walls. They dont cause trouble all the time. Even if its a accident they don't get blamed.

"We are going to go get some coffee ok?" The Louis asked as they got up. I nodded still staring at the wall. "Do you want anything?" He asked. I nodded again.

"Can you get me a frappe with extra chocolate?" I asked.

"Yea, anything else?" I shook my head and they all left.

After about five minutes the boys were still gone. I guess they realised I needed my space. "Hey Peyton what happened? Is she alright?" I heard 2 girls ask she sounded like mine and Megan's friend Briana and kori. Megans mom must have told them, I was still staring at my wall.

"Yeah um....she fell and hit her head really hard." I said barley audible. Out of the corner of my eye I saw them nod and she sat next to me where Harry was earlier. She pulled out her phone and I turned toward her and took it. She gave me the evil eye but I ignored it. I typed in Louis number and called him. "Hey can you get 2 coffees the other with extra Carmel instead of chocolate?" I asked him.

"Yeah sure um...who is it for?" He asked in a nervous way.

"Briana." I replied and looked at her, her face lit up.

"Yeah we will be there in about 3." He said.

"Ok thanks, bye." I said then hung up.

"Who was that?" Briana asked me.

"My boyfriend." I said and handed her her phone and looked back at my wall. She didn't say anything probably thinking I was being sarcastic and started texting my other friend Brandi. I stared at the wall until Lou sat beside me I looked at Briana and she was still texting. She didn't even look up. Niall sat beside her and handed her her coffee.

"Thanks." She said still not looking up.

"Welcome." Niall replied. When she heard his voice her head shot up she was looking straight then slowly turned her head to face him. Her jaw dropped and I covered her mouth knowing what would happen next. The nurse looked at me funny then Briana screamed, even though it was muffled from my hand the nurse still heard it. She had a look like 'Oh that makes more sense' on her face and looked back down at her computer. I uncovered her face and she smiled at me with pleading eyes I looked sinisterly at her she knew what it ment. A few months ago I asked her what she would do if she ever met Niall. She is the blonde one who said....and I quote 'If i ever met him, I doubt i will I would ask for a Horan Hug.' After she said that I made her promise that if she did she would have to ask him no matter what. She looked at me. Then back at Ni.

"Please don't make me?" She asked to see if I would let her off the hook. I shook my head no and took a sip of my coffee. 'Hmm coffee. I never ate my Lucky Charms maybe that's why I keep having bad luck today.' I thought. "Fine. Niall I just met you and this is crazy but can I have a Horan hug?" she sang/asked. Oh did I mention I told her to sing it to. Kori and I started laughing but Niall leaned over and hugged her. After that I switched seats with Louis so I could talk to my wall but I told him it was because Briana was scarring me.

"Hello Mrs.Wall I would just like to let you know now that I envy you." I said to the wall I didn't realize everyone stopped there conversations and were listening. "Oh a lot of people envy you but you envy them. But why I mean you can never screw any thing up but I can?" I pretended that the wall could hear me and was talking back. "It gets lonely being a wall? But its better to be lonely than hurt the ones you love." "Okay bye have fun at your wall party." I said to it. I turned around to see everyone staring at me like I was crazy. "What?" I asked them.

"Babe you were just talking to a wall and you said you want to be it." Louis said to me. 'When did he start calling me babe we just started dating?' I asked myself.

"Oh that, that's normal for her but I'm surprised she didn't hug it bye." Briana said to the boys. She gets me so well. That just got her a weird look from the boys. Her phone went off so she looked down and started texting again. Who was she texting? The nurse came up to me and looked down at her clipboard.

"Are you Peyton?" She asked and I nodded. "Well Megan is asking for you. Follow me please." After hearing those words I jumped up and followed her. "In there." She said pointing to a room and chuckled a little because of how close I was following her I stepped on her shoes about 10 times.

"Is that really you Mego my lego?" I asked poking her check she turned her head and bit my finger.

"Yep that's you." I said to her. She just smiled at me.

"I hate you, you freakin scarred me. I thought you were dead..........and it was all my fault. I'm sorry." I said barley audible.

"It was my fault and I'm fine." She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Vas' happenin?" I heard Zayn ask from the door. We both turned and laughed. He stuck his tongue out at us and I took my hands and put one slanted a little toward him. Then I took my other hand and swiped it across it to look like I was lighting a match and held up my middle finger and blew on it to resemble me lighting a match then blowing it out. He gave me a shocked look then the other boys walked in with Briana following them. When Megan saw her she smiled slightly to say hi. Megan and Briana got in a fight last week and that's Megos way of apologizing to her. Even though it wasn't even her fault. Briana was making out with Megan's boyfriend and she slapped Briana for it.

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