Chapter 18

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"Las Vegas," Martin shouts into the microphone, "you are awesome tonight!" 

The crowd screams in raging excitement. The club is huge, however people are still crammed closer to the stage, trying to get a better view of Martin. Even though I am standing backstage, I can see every single thing happening in the club and on the stage. Strobe lights are lighting everything up, making everything seem a bit darker, than it already is.

There is a disgusting smell of smoke and alcohol present, which tries messing up my mind and I don't like it. Although I try to ignore it, my lungs are struggling to take a breath of fresh air. It's like I am choking on smoke. Getting out of the corridor, where I was standing, I tell Watse, that I am going outside. He nods and I head out.

It's cool outside and I can feel myself sigh from relief. Feels so good to inhale air, not smoke. I can see a few stars shining on the clear night sky, only to be blurred by the colourful lights of Las Vegas. They say, if you go into a forest, or a place without any city lights, you will be able to see billions of stars and hundreds of galaxies, just in one night sky.

I just stand there like a freak, staring into the night sky and breathing heavily. I guess, I shouldn't stay inside the clubs for too long. Fuck, now I want a cigarette. Heading back inside, I trip on a step, nearly falling onto the ground. At least, I don't fall, but hit my foot painfully. I tell security guards around me, that everything is okay and go back to my corridor, to watch Martin perform.

He is jumping, while also mixing. The whole club is jumping with him and I can see a satisfied grin spreading across his face. I jump as well, even though it might seem super weird, but I still do it. José smiles at me, noticing how I jump.

"Awesome, huh?" she asks, when I stop jumping.

"Yeah," I reply, looking at Martin, who is vigorously pressing and turning buttons. He changes the song to Now That I've Found You, probably the last song of the evening. I dance to the beats, which are not only pulsing in the speakers, but everywhere inside my body.

Martin's set ends and he runs off the stage, right into me. We hug, even though he is sweaty and smells of smoke.

"It was amazing!" I tell him, when we head to a room backstage, where everyone relaxes after a long evening. Well, not everyone, just the DJs and their teams.

"Wasn't the best," Martin replies as we sit on the leather couches. Somebody takes out glasses and fills them with an unknown liquid. I get a glass as well, but instead of drinking it, I stare at it, deciding if I should do it or shouldn't.

Everyone drinks their own, talking about the show in Dutch. I take a sip from my glass as well, the bitter liquid making my head spin. Although it doesn't taste good, it makes me feel so light and forget everything. I take a few more gulps from it, leaning on the couch. I listen to the conversation, watching Martin's face expression as he speaks. He seems to be worried and a bit angry. I take another glass, drinking some of its contents.

I listen to the phrases in Dutch, trying to figure out their meaning, although fail miserably. Dutch sounds a bit like German and it would have helped me, if I knew some German. I study everyone's face expressions, trying to figure out what they are talking about. After some moments of trying, I bring my glass closer to my lips and drink the rest of the liquid.

Everything starts spinning and feels surreal. Like, I am in a dream. My head starts throbbing painfully, as I lean on the couch even more, nearly lying down. I close my eyes, trying to regain my breath, which seems to be raging. Colourful visions appear in front of my eyes, making my head spin even more. I can hear voices calling my name, familiar voices.

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