Chapter 10 | ✓

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"Where are we going?" I ask, looking around the dark streets of New York. It's about eleven at night and surely not the best time for a dinner somewhere. We have already ate some pizza from the nearest delivery. It's like our new tradition - ordering pizza every evening, for dinner. Our steps loudly echo through the narrow passage ways, covered in puddles of rain-water. 

"You will see," Martin replies, smiling wittily. His fingers touch mine, as he stops in front of a large metal door, all spray painted in tags. He is wearing all black and has a black backpack on his back. It looks like he is in a fantastic mood. 

"I hope it's legal..." I mumble, as Martin quickly opens the door and we walk into a room full of smoke and loud music. As my eyes adjust to the darkness, I see that it's a club and we are right behind the DJ table. 

 It's amazing to be on the stage, with people laughing and dancing and having so much fun. I notice a door on the right, in which there stands a tall girl, wearing high waisted shorts and a gray pullover. She is smoking a cigarette, eyeing the crowd. 

Colourful lights light up the room, as Martin and I get to the DJ table, where another DJ is just finishing his set. The DJ nods, as Martin approaches and gets out his MacBook, putting it on the table and connecting some cords. 

While he gets ready, I just stand there like a weirdo and look at the crowd. Most people are taking pictures of Martin, or maybe even me. Who knows, what they are thinking about.

The air smells of sweat, smoke and a hint of alcohol, although it's nothing new - this is a club. I smile, as I see a group of girls waving at me and blowing kisses. I wave back and blow a kiss, even though, what they are doing might be sarcastic. Or, they might not be even blowing them at me... 

"Are you ready for a night on stage?" Martin jokes, smiling playful and grabbing a microphone. 

"It's probably going to be the best night of my life," I smile at him, as he turns on the microphone. 

The crowd notice his movement and screams loudly, making the corners of Martin's lips slowly go up. When the crowd has settled, he shouts loudly. "New York, are you ready?" 

The clubs explodes with a powerful bawl of all the people in there. A loud melody starts playing, making my eardrums vibrate hard in my ear. I start dancing to the beats, pumping everywhere in my body, synchronising with the music. 

I don't care that people are looking at me - I want to be myself, just for one night; forget all of my imperfections, which I am always trying to hide so bad. People are dancing, having fun and why can't I do that as well? They are not here to judge me and I am not here to be judged. 

The bass drops hard, as my clothes start to get sweaty. Martin jumps to the beats, his free hand up and the other one turning knobs on some kind of unknown to me equipment. It feels so different to be standing here, right next to him - right next to one of the most famous DJs in the world. I move to the sound of music, grinning to Martin, whenever he turns around to face me. 

Standing on the stage is different to Ultra, it's like you are part of that mechanism, part of the force, that makes the crowd jump. At Ultra, the mechanism was more complex, but here it's simpler and I am proud of myself for being here. 

I never notice, how time flies so fast. The music makes me forget all of my thoughts and worries just for a while, intensifying the adrenaline pumping through my veins, travelling all around my body. The smell of smoke makes me feel a bit dizzy, although I never show it and try to ignore the urge. 

I have never smoked! I try to persuade myself with a phrase that I have found on the internet a few days ago, however this never works.

"New York!" Martin exclaims, making me snap back to the smoky club, full of sweaty people. "You have been awesome today and I would love to come back!" 

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