Chapter 3 »-(¯'v'¯)-»

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I got up wishing it was all just a bad dream, but it wasn't. 
My face looked horrible, it was swollen and blue under the eyes, I didn't know if it was because of the few hours of sleep or  my mom's foot in my face. I applied so much foundation that in the end it looked as If I slept to little. 

It was a fresh spring ending morning, the sun was already high up in the sky shining over the world. Everything looked so peaceful and quiet, the trees, the wind and even the moon that was hardly visible. I pulled out the camera and took a picture of the fresh morning, I needed to remember this day, I felt like this was going to be a changing day, but I didn't know why. 

I pulled out my car keys and headed towards my black Toyota Aygo. It was actually the only valuable thing I had, because I had to work five hard years to afford a second hand car.

The ride to school was boring like always. Usually they brought good music in the morning, but nothing was on, only Justin Bier & co. 

I stepped out of the car and Lisa approached me. I pretended not to notice, maybe she was heading somewhere else. But when I turned around she was so close to me that I felt uncomfortable. 

"Any problems?" I asked with annoyed voice.

"Yes there actually is" she sounded so bitchy. I really wanted to punch her Barbie face but I would get in trouble. I started walking towards the entrance without bothering her, I noticed her astonished face. Maybe she was thinking how a nobody like me could leave a Somebody like her standing there while talking.

"Wait freak, I'm talking to you"

"What for god's sake do you want psycho?" I noticed her angry face but she tried to hide it.

"Just leave my bestfriend's boy alone ,ok?" What? I didn't even know who her best friend  I was actually not interested in it.

"I don't care who you're best friend is, I don't wanna know, just piss of psycho" Maybe the change is that I get to punch her in the face, that would make my day. I started walking to my History class.

"Dakota" she said firmly. Oh please let this not be true. How could I  forget that a bitch is always best friends with another bitch, I thought sarcastically. 

It was late and everybody was already there, crap! fortunately I didn't have to share this class with Liam.

"Miss Kambly, want to join us?" I felt the sarcasm in her voice, I nodded and took my empty seat. 
The lesson was quiet boring, she spoke almost all the time about the Cold War and the consequences of it. When I realized the bell rang everybody was already out. I sighed and and headed to my next class, expression course. I mean, really who invented this crap? I don't need to know what other people feel and I didn't wanna share my feelings with strangers.

Liam was already there, before he would've looked up and smiled, and as soon as I was seated he'd kiss my cheek. He didn't look up. He didn't smile. He didn't kiss me. 

"So, students for these last two weeks of school I prepared something special. I will pair you up and you'll get to know each other, and at the end of the week you'll choose a song that represents your partner" Most of the students let out a groan, but I thought the idea was cute.

"Ok let's start to pair you up" Miss Wendson took out of the locker a bowl with lots of pieces of paper. 

"Ariel Clamin and Steve Maloni" Wow that's going to be a couple, I thought. 

"Serena Sanders and, Micheal Joy" Oh god this is going to be bad, really.

"Hope Kambly" She took the other piece of paper out and a smile crossed her lips.

"Miss Kambly you don't even have to change your seat" please let it be the one on my right, please, please, right,right.

"And Liam Bell" I groaned loudly and Mrs Wendson glanced over at me curiously. The idea of the cuteness of this work vanished as soon as I heard Liam's name. Why do they do this to me? I'm tryng to stay away and they make us stay together. After pairing up everybody she explained some things.

"You will relate the song to a video with pictures, you're free to use your creativity, so impress me"! 

"So you're coming to my house so we get to know each other" Liam casually said smirking, I knew that he tried to be funny, but it just pissed me.

"I don't need to get to know you, I already know all of you. Too bad there isn't a song called Jerk face" I whispered in his ear. He laughed and walked up to Dakota who was giving me a death glare. I heard them arguing about how he shouldn't talk to me. I didn't really care so I just walked to my next class, With Liam. 

I got to my chair and Liam followed me.

"So what song do you have in mind for me?" he asked, wasn't he supposed to ignore me? Fine if he doesn't do it then I will I thought. 

"Pops?" I looked over at the teacher and nodded to let her know that I was listening to what she was saying. Liam moved my arm but I acted as if I didn't feel him. He let out a groan and finally left me alone.
I watched Liam for a while. He looked hurt, and even though he tried to look happy in some way he wasn't. It's like every time he smiled he reminded something and got upset again. I wish I could've reached out and touched him, just to comfort him but I couldn't. The bell rang and I got up quickly, Ariel was waiting for me in the cafeteria.

"Hi Hope, so what you think about that progect??" she asked happily, I knew she was excited about it because she's had a crush on Steve since last year. 

"Uhm.. it's ok" I said with zero enthusiasm.

"You should've seen your face when the teacher called Liam, it was like you were seeing a dead person in front of you" Was my face that bad? I was actually happy when she called Liam, I didn't want to share my life with a stranger but I was upset to because I had to stay away from him.

We were just waiting to pay for our fries when someone bumped into me and I almost fell "What the fuck?" I turned around and saw Lisa looking at me with amusement, I spot Dakota while was giggling beside Liam who didn't see anything. 

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