The day it all started

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It was a rather sunny day, seemingly even sunnier than the past few days which would barely be considered possible. The sun was radiating off heat on the empty tennis courts. The players from the Seigaku tennis team may not have been on the tennis court, but that sure as hell did not mean that there wasn't any training, quite the opposite in fact. The Seigaku team had been running laps around the court because the coach had found them slacking off because of the oddly hot weather these past few days. She had decided that in order for the team to become better, everyone should improve their stamina. She didn't care about the fact that it was at least 33 degrees outside, she didn't have to run after all.

While the team was running with all their might, they saw the coach smirk, sitting on a chair with what seemed to be a glass of lemonade, while fanning herself. "This is what you get for slacking off." Even though their coach hadn't said the words out loud, they knew exactly what she was thinking. And regretted the past few days.

Everyone that was part of the club, was running. Even the ones that hadn't slacked off the past few days. This includes all the regulars. When the coach first announced that they had to run laps, they protested. Claiming that they had practiced the past few days, which was in fact true. Yet Ryuzaki-sensei had said: "Then you should've paid more attention to the other members of the team, and make sure they aren't slacking off". She glanced at Tezuka and added "Especially the captain." Tezuka went against her saying; "I thought everybody in this team had a sense of responsibility, a miscalculation on my part, I apologize, but I don't think the regulars deserve this.".

Ryuzaki-sensei did not appreciate the fact that they dared to go against her twice, she needed to show them how to show some respect for your superior. "Because the captain doesn't think that this punishment isn't good enough, I decided to add to the punishment. The regular that will end their laps in last place will have to drink Inui's new drink." The regulars were shocked and decided to not go against her again. Thinking; who knows what else she'll think of.

So the regulars and the other members started running. The non-regular members had to finish 25 laps around the court with no punishment whatsoever. While the regulars had to run 50 laps around court with as punishment; one of Inui's "delicious" drinks.
The regulars were very competitive to make sure that they were anything but last place. They had tasted many of Inui's special drinks before and shivered while thinking about having to drink another one. Anything but that

The thing that scared them the most was the fact that Inui himself doesn't even know what its contents are. Inui claims it to be the very first juice he has every made, but he has added some new ingredients since. But he said that he has seemed to lost count after who knows how many ingredients. Fuji was rather curious though so he asked about this special new drink, but Inui said that it's a secret family recipe and that he can't disclose any details about it. In fact; his grandfather and dad helped him make it. But after saying his recipe was a secret and all you could easily hear him mutter; ''Not that they remember any of the many ingredients that were in it.'' Everyone stared at him in disbelief but he simply shrugged it off.

With this fact also in mind the regulars had even more determination to achieve their goal of not being last, well that is everyone excluding Kawamura; who seemed to be running at a rather relaxed tempo. This didn't go unnoticed by their vice-captain; Oishi who, out of his kind nature waited for Kawamura to catch up in order to help him. He quickly saw what the problem at hand was; he wasn't holding a tennis racket. The vice-captain simply grabbed the closest racket and handed it to Kawamura whom after catching up and being handed the racket seemed to be filled to the brim with energy. Oishi quickly regained his thoughts after the man soared past and started running faster himself because there was no way he was going to end last.

Everyone was now running equally fast, none of them giving in, because they simply can not back down. There was only one round around the court and everyone sped up with their sights on the finish line. Everyone except Ryoma who seems to have tripped in the last corner, everyone except him reached the finish line and looked back at Ryoma in pity. Signalling at him to run, but it was all in vain because Inui had already reached Ryoma with the drink in his hand.

Inui's glasses shined mysteriously in the sunlight while he handed the drink to Ryoma. ''I better drink it all at once, quickly.'' So he held his nose and drank it in one gulp. He prepared himself to run to the toilets, but that didn't seem necessary at all. Everyone started at the stunned boy in disbelief. Because the only one had a tolerance for Inui's drinks up until now was Fuji. Ryoma uttered in disbelief; ''This doesn't taste bad at all, it's quite good actually.'' 

Fuji asked if he himself could also get a glass of this peculiar drink only to be disappointed by Inui saying the glass Echizen had just consumed was the only one. Everyone looked at Ryome who still was in absolute shock himself?

Had the drink no effect at all? Or will the drink affect Ryoma in the future?



Stay tuned, and please leave a comment and/or vote; it really encourages me.

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If you have any ideas on how to advance the story please message me in private ( I'd love to make some friends, I'm lonely) 

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