texting her

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7:25 PM

hey y/n

it's a year today.

ive missed you forever

so has erica

that's what i named our baby girl

i hope that's okay with you

she reminds me of you so much

her birthday was yesterday

she took her first steps

and said her first word

it was mommy

i think she knows somethings not complete

so does everyone else

you're so strong baby


for our baby

that was the bravest thing ive ever witnessed

and it breaks me still

but i love our little girl

i love you a lot y/n

a gift is out for you on the counter downstairs

you probably won't see it but you never can be sure

oh shoot

erica woke up from my crying


see you later babe

i love you

read at 7:53 PM

btw wattpad is being a butt rn so idk why this is still centered

i also have no idea what this is but uh part two or nah?


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