My knuckles tightened around the steering wheel. How dare those morons lay a hand on her! I stared over at Nevada; she seemed unfazed, calm and collected, even happy. "You okay?" I asked, just to make sure. What the hell are you turning into? That damned voice, for once, easily, didn't get a reply.
"I'm fine," she replied calmly, offering a smile. That smile only stared there a few seconds before her gaze strayed to my hands. "Are you okay?"
Stop this, Ethan. You're lying to this girl. You are a fool!
"I'm fine, Nevada," I lied to her through clenched teeth. One of her hands reached out and touched mine. Automatically, it unclenched and gripped her hand tight, as if I were suddenly afraid to let her go. Maybe I was afraid; afraid I would lose her, afraid I would kill her. And that small part, that small, bloodthirsty, murderous part, agreed. I would slip up one day; take that knife, and stab her.
You know you will.
Barely a Chapter; just a short.