Chapter 14 - Just In Time

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Shout out to AshleyClarke0 for bombing my notifications with her votes on every single chapter of this story! It really made my day haha! ♡ Thank you so much! I hope you're enjoying reading this! mwah x



"Ferret." I replied, giving him a grin. He deserved that after all.

Malfoy turned his heel around and sprinted through the corridors until his figure vanished in my sight. Just as I was about to turn my head in Harry's direction, Malfoy's fellow Slytherins tried catching up with him, blocking my sight upon Harry. I groaned inwardly. I firmly stood on the ground as the idiot Slytherins kept on bumping my shoulder, which made me back away.

"How typical." I muttered in annoyance as they were all in the corridor now. I got even more annoyed when I saw Harry just going inside the corridor, vanishing in my sight too.

I wonder how he's coping up. I mean I really do believe that he didn't put his name in the Goblet of Fire. I know Harry. It'll be absurd if he does want 'Eternal Glory'. I'm actually scared for him. People die in this barbaric Triwizard Tournament. Then it finally sunk in, it starts tomorrow.

"Hey, want some badge?" A 2nd Year Gryffindor asked, with a bag full of the pathetic badges that has been going around this morning. I scanned him up and down, gave him a sarcastic smile then frowned. "No, thank you."

I slung my bag onto my shoulder and grabbed my books as I started to make my way back to the common room.

If only I could 'Evanesco' all these moronic and silly badges. I sighed at the thought. I just came across that spell in a 5th Year Transfiguration book. I can't wait to use that spell so that I can get rid of the irrelevant people in my life. Particularly... a Slytherin. The one who had just been turned into a ferret, a bouncing ferret. Realizing a smile crept up to my lips at the thought, I kept my head down.


"Oh Merlin, this is frustrating." I groaned infront of an almost 3 page of parchment that consist of an essay about the Antidote to Veritaserum, Bezoar, Bubotuber pus, Cure for Boils and Dreamless Sleep Potions. How could Professor Snape make us do this when the school only started a week ago? However, he did told us it's due next 2 weeks, which is perfectly fine for me, seeing as I'm almost done. I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair, then closed my eyes and threw my head back.

I've been in the library for almost 2 hours. Wait- I checked my watch and it was 12:53 PM. Oh crap. I'm gonna be late for History of Magic. In one swift stroke, all my things were in my bag. I began to walk, picking up pace. I looked at my wrist. 12:55.

Come on, come on. I kept a blank face as I was walking through the corridors. There were only a few students left outside. Dear Merlin. Imagine Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age, being late in class. How preposterous!

After a few twists and turns in the castle, I knew I was near. 12:57. Just as I was about to turn to the left, which I believe is my class, I bumped into someone. How annoyingly cliché.

"Sorry." I blurted out while balancing myself. I looked up and how I wish I didn't apologized.

"Well, well. Goodafternoon, Mudblood. Bit behind the schedule, are we?" He said, with a hint of a contemptuous tone.

"Oh, sod off, Ferret!" I snap back and continued walking as I heard him laugh behind me. 12:59.

Without acknowledging the nervousness and tension washing over me, I opened the door with all my might. Not really caring if it'd make a loud bang as it collided with the wall.

As soon as eyes were on me, I looked at my wrist, once again. 1:00. I sighed in relief. I made it just in time. Exactly.

Though I would've arrived earlier if I didn't cross paths with that annoying ferret. How I wish I could turn him into a ferret myself.


"You're now dismissed." said Professor Binns, looking up from his desk.

"And don't forget, we have our graded recitation on Tuesday about the lesson today." There were a round of groans and mutterings as the students made their way out of, according to them, the boring class.

"Have a nice day ahead Professor Binns." I flashed a smile at the Professor. The class wasn't boring at all. I don't understand why they'd think that.

"Have a nice day too Miss Granger." He greeted back but still focused on his desk work.

"Come on Hermione. The Tournament's gonna start in a few hours." I shifted my gaze as I saw Ron at the doorway.

Noticing his sour face as we made our way through the corridor, I spoke. "Oh come on, Ronald. You're not still on about Harry, are you? You know he didn't do it."

"I- I... I don't know if I should believe it or not. I mean, he called me 'Stupid' the other night, which clearly means, he's lying about something." He said putting his right hand in his pocket.

"Of course he'd think you're stupid Ron, after not believing him that he didn't put his name in the Goblet of Fire, even if you were his bestfriend. Common Sense, Ronald." I calmly explained. "Balderdash." With that, we entered the Gryffindor Dormitory and parted ways.

I changed into my turtle-neck, grey and pink sweater, muggle jeans and a light brown trench coat. I looked at the window, it was pretty misty so it had to be cold.

I took a look in the mirror beside my bed. I guess I could say that I'm satisfied with my outfit. I took my wand and winter gloves and headed for the door.

I got a little suprised when I opened it. There stood a figure, arm raised and hand balled into a fist.

"Knock, knock?" He joked.

"Whatever, Ronald." I gave out a light laugh then closed the door behind me.

I started walking out of the dorm as Ron followed close by.



Yes I knowww

This chapter is the filler type lol


I said 2 chapters the other day but


but it's all fixed now haha

All i needed was the bang my head against wall lmaooo


How was chapter 14?

Please don't forget to vote/comment! Would mean so much to meee! mwah x

- R


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