||8|| Reunited

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"What is it now?" Rick asked, annoyed with the sudden situation at hand. Jesus watched from the window as the Hilltop gates were opened again, the watchmen staying vigilant and on their guard. Daryl drove through the gates in the white van, even though that the cars were suppose to be parked outside. But he didn't care. Rick and Jesus both rushed outside from Barrington over to where everybody gathered around his return. "Where the hell did you go?" asked Rick. Daryl stepped out of the van and motioned towards the back doors.

"Got ourselves a little package," he grunted. He flung the rear doors open to reveal a person inside. Jesus' eyes squinted a little. She was definitely female. Small, but she looked built enough to survive on her own. A bag was covering her head, leaving her face a mystery. "What is the meaning of this?" Jesus stepped forward. "I found one of Negan's. Might as well get back at 'em for what they did to us." Rick pinched the bridge of his nose at Daryl's recklessness. "I knocked her out and tied her up so she shouldn't be any trouble for a while." Seeing the girl with her hands tied together with a bag over her head made her look like a ransomed hostage. It sickened him to his core. 

"This is inhumane. Untie her," Jesus ordered. Two of the Hilltop members grabbed ahold of her foot and dragged her to the edge of van. They untied the chains from her hands and feet. Lastly, they removed the bag on top of her head, revealing the woman underneath. Jesus stepped back in awe. His dropped jaw quickly changed into a wide grin. Instant murmurs rippled through the residents. Jesus ignored them entirely. His only concern was her. Even Rick reacted; the gears in his head turning to recognize her face from the photo. The very second that the chains fell from her ankles, the woman's eyes flashed open and jerked her legs upwards, kicking one of the men straight in the jaw. He fell flat on his back and cried out in pain. She jumped quick to her feet and pushed past the other man who stood in her way. The other Colonists parted as she ran loose like a wild animal. "Goddamn it!" Daryl hissed, ready to march after her. Jesus held out his arm in front of his chest and stopped him from getting any closer.

"Our men are guarding the gates. She won't get far," said Jesus. The girl kicked up the grainy dirt each step she took. Jesus noticed her hysterically gasping for air while running. She's going to tire out. She always does, he thought. She made it to the gates and started to pound on them with her fists, hoping that they would open for her.

"Get me out!" she screamed. Daryl, ignoring Jesus' wishes, strode after her at a rapid pace before she could get a chance to get out. "Shit," Jesus heard Rick mutter under his breath before setting off after Daryl.

"Stupid bitch!" Daryl growled as he approached her. Jesus took a step, then cemented his foot back on the ground. He felt sorry for this petrified girl. I need to get her back. Daryl was just a few feet away from her with his eyes narrowed, staring her down like a provoked wolf ready to rip her shreds. The girl's hand reached into the back waist line of her jeans and pulled out a handgun. She held it up to eye level and frantically aimed it at anybody that was within distance. "Stay back! I will shoot!" she shouted.

"You didn't check her for weapons!?" Rick scolded at Daryl. To that, Daryl replied, "I did! That bitch must've taken one of ours!" Jesus chuckled to himself. Classic. Now it's my turn. Jesus jogged over to the two men and stepped into the argument. "Rick, Daryl. If I may...?" he asked softly. The two exchanged unsure glances. "Go," said Rick.

"Flora," Jesus announced. The girl's hatred filled eyes softened up at the sound of her childhood nickname. "Florence Manon Rovia."

She couldn't believe it. That voice....she hadn't heard it in what felt like forever. "Florence Manon Rovia," he repeated. He stepped forward; her childhood friend...her own blood. He hadn't changed a bit. She was only gone for what, almost a year. But it sure as hell felt like an eternity to them both. "Give me the gun, Flora. Please, you're scaring everyone," he pleaded. Jesus extended his hand and laid it flat. Florence shook her head vigorously.

"Get him to back off," she said pointing over to Daryl with hand she held the gun in. He was gritting his teeth and had his eyes burning into her. Jesus nodded slowly at his cousin, then turned his head back to Daryl. "Daryl, please. You're making her uneasy." Daryl never liked being told what to do. He just stood there clenching his dirty fists, not moving a single muscle. "Daryl come on," Rick persisted. He reached out to lightly touch Daryl on the arm. Daryl viciously yanked his arm away.

"This is the bitch that stood by that asshole that killed Glenn!" Daryl retorted sharply. "She's one of Negan's girls! We just gon' let her stand there still breathing!?" No one had ever seen him this way, not since Beth's death. His eyes burned with anger and hatred for her. The harsh words struck a nerve within Florence that she clicked the safety off of the gun.

"Watch your fucking mouth. What, you wanna get shot again?" she challenged. They both went at each other's throats like a pair of quarreling cats that couldn't even stay in the same room without wanting to tear each other to pieces. Luckily, Rick was able to keep Daryl in his lane. Florence on the other hand was unpredictable, especially with the power of a firearm in her hand. "I'm fucking serious. Tell him to go or I won't hesitate to blow his brains out." Jesus looked at his cousin with surprise. This isn't you...

"Flora, please. For my sake, and for the sake of your community. Put the gun down," he said softly, carefully tiptoeing closer to in. He placed himself in front of the gun's aim. "We can go into Barrington and talk. Just you, me and Rick. Nobody else. Just us," he promised. Speaking to her was like speaking with a deranged mental patient. If he made any sudden movements, he'd be afraid to trigger her into a murder spree. It just wasn't like her at all. Florence gulped nervously and bared her teeth like a mad dog. She clicked the safety on and handed her cousin the gun. "Thank you." Jesus then proceeded to wrap his arms around her in a familial way and pull her close in a hug. Florence's arms snaked around his neck and buried her face into his shoulder. After all this time, she still smelled like her natural self...like home. The scent soothed him and sent him into thoughts of nostalgia. How he missed her so.

"Come. We'll get you some new clothes and something to eat."

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