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Time was ruthless to Florence. Every week that passed, she felt the child inside of her growing nonstop. While her nausea and dizziness eventually became less common, her swollen feet ached and the pressure on her hips was almost unbearable. The only time she left her "cell" was for a heavily guarded stroll around the compound and to Carson's office. The seasons came and went as well as the replacements around the compound. Dealing with the situation they were in, being under Carson's care was the best option for her and her baby.
Negan also came around her cell just about every day to check up on her, even on days when she didn't want to see him (which was every day). He brought her copies of books that he'd have his men scout out for on their runs until the pile stacked high. Each day he made it his mission to get her to have at least one decent conversation with him that didn't end in either of them in a blinded rage. The pregnancy hormones didn't help her mood either.
"Shouldn't be long now," Carson told her at around the thirty-eight week mark. "To be safe, if your water doesn't break within the next week or so, come on down and we'll have you go in labor."
She seemed to be in a rush to enter the cruel and unforgiving world that her family had endured, because it was only days later that Florence felt the painful contractions come.
Florence clutched the bed blankets in pain. She tried to keep count in her head how long each contraction was until the pain just became too unbearable that she screamed out Negan's name. One of the men guarding the door burst into the room with their guns ready for what they believed was another one of her attempts to escape. Instead, they barged in to find Florence lying on the ground, a puddle soaking onto her clothes.
Immediately, Negan and Carson were informed and rushed Florence into the medical room. Inside the room were a team of people awaiting for Carson's instruction. Florence yelped out at the excruciating pain in her uterus. This was worse than any period cramps that she ever experienced. A knife to her lower abdomen would've felt less painful.
"Just keep breathing, Florence. You're crowning."
The entire experience felt never ending. She felt Negan's calloused hands grabbing ahold of hers during the birth. A slurry of profanities left her lips one by one that even put Negan to shame.
"Push, Florence, push!"
All of her memories flooded back to her at the exact moment She entered the world. Everything that led up to her meeting Negan. She remember the moment she met his eyes. She remembered the first time he threatened her. The first time he fucked her. The first time he told her he loved her. The first time he told her that she was his. And she remembered the look on his face when she told him that they were having a girl.
Her cries broke the barrier of silence. Cheers erupted from the team in the room, and for the first time in a long time, a tear rolled down Negan's face.
He reached over and gave her temple a kiss. "You did it, Lo. I'm so fucking proud of you." They carried Her over to the steel table after they separated Her from her mother. Those long hours had finally led to this. Her daughter, their daughter.
Exhaustion hit Florence, wave after wave. Her eyes grew heavier and heavier the more She cried.
"Want to hold her, Momma?" Asked one of the aides. Florence gave her a weak nod. All wrapped up in a soft towel, She was passed over to her mother. Remnants of blood were still stained on Her little cheeks. Florence almost couldn't believe that She was real.
She had a head full of black hair, just like her father. She was practically the spitting image of Negan. Same nose, same hair, hell, her tiny little scowl even resembled him. You wouldn't have had any idea that Florence could have ever been her mother. That was the case until She opened her eyes. Her eyes were a glittering green that put the lush forests to shame; tiny emeralds that had washed up on a beach that resembled the tears She cried when She entered the world.
"My love," Florence whispered as she laid a kiss on her soft forehead. She held onto Her until her body couldn't stay awake any longer. Even in her sleep, she clasped onto her baby like she'd never see Her again.
"Daddy? Do you want to hold her?" The aide asked Negan. He couldn't wait any more. They passed Her over to her father.


Florence awoke almost fifteen hours later after She was born. Negan hadn't moved. She was still in his arms while he rocked her back and worth.
"She's quiet," he chuckled. "Hasn't made a sound since we calmed her down. Not like her Momma." Florence cracked a smile, at last. It had felt like years since Negan saw her smile.
"She's perfect," she whispered. She reached her arms out for her baby. Everything felt right when she held Her. The missing piece in her life had been complete and nothing could hurt her anymore. She had one more reason to keep surviving. "We never picked out a name for her."
Negan looked down at his feet, then back at Her. "I got you into this, I think you should have the final say." His response sent her aback. The name she picked out had stuck in her head for months.
"Millicent. Millicent Rovia."


a/n: wow, i know it's been a w h i l e but i'm back y'all. i'm gonna try my best to finish up this story as best as i can bc it's been a wild ride and i'm ready to wrap this up, mainly bc i stopped watching TWD

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