||14|| A Fucking Mess

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A Fucking Mess

Raining for days would have been considered a miracle in a time like this. But for Florence, it was a fucking curse. Pro: all of the mud and dirt had washed off of her and she looked like she had just taken a shower. Con: the possible risk of contracting a cold without a doctor near by.

Every turn that Florence took look exactly the same as the last one. Another con of being out on her own in a forest that stretched for god knows how long: there was no way of judging whether she had passed the same tree three times in a row or if she was just going in a circle. After the fourth time, she threw her gun onto the ground in frustration and curled up into a ball, letting the built up sorrows stream down her face. Her empty stomached growled for her attention. Two days, she thought to herself. Two fucking days.Everything was just one big fucking mess. She missed everyone that was in her life. Her mother, her father, her brothers, her sister, her cousins...Negan.

Her train of thought stopped at that last name. There was not a doubt in her mind that she missed his company. The warmth that radiated off of him whenever he held her close, the mornings that she woke up next to him, how his face lit up whenever he saw her. In a normal world, she was almost certain that their relationship would have been frowned upon. A young woman, fresh out of college in her mid twenties, would have focused more on finding a suitable man and settling down, not outside fending for herself, murdering the undead and fucking a man nearly twice her age.

"Flora!?" Florence was so intwined in her thoughts that she payed no attention to the faint voice calling for her. "Flora!" Her full attention recovered. Not too far from where she was huddled stood a tall figure. The voice was instantly recognizable. With whatever strength left in her body, she stood herself back up, leaning up against the tree for support in fear that she might pass out. He sprinted to her aid and held her close. "It's alright, I've gotcha," he spoke softly.

"Jesus," she muttered happily before closing her eyes and collapsing into her cousin's arms.


a/n: this chapter is really short. but anyways:

new cover mofos. i've been trying to work on manips for this story, even though they're really shitty. 

i was also thinking of making a new fanfic in the future. i was thinking of making a Tom Holland one, but i'm not entirely sure. 

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