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150 years earlier

He looked down at the lady in front of him. She was truly a sight to behold. With hair so golden that they could outshine the sun and eyes as blue as the sky, the lady was a true beauty.

She was going to be his that night. They all ended up being his. No one could deny a handsome Prince.  It just didn't happen. They all wanted to be Princesses. Every last one of them. A wink and they would agree to do anything. He was a Prince after all. Being handsome was just an added bonus to those court ladies. His target for the night was set and all that was left was to make his move.

In the background the castle hall was vividly lit up and glittered like a thousand stars. Floral style pattern raced through out the ceiling and Big chandeliers hung low. The King and Queen sat on their seats while the festivities of the evening were half way done. Everyone was busy dancing and enjoying the food, they eyed the Prince wherever he went and would often come up to him than he would have liked but after years of attending such events he had come up with ways to blend. He did not want another nobel to come up to him with her daughter who looked like she had fallen on her face a thousand times with crooked teeth and a nose too big. His goal for the evening was really ideal looking.

"Good day my Lady.  Are you new around here?"  He asked as he came up to the pretty golden haired Lady.  He saw as the lady slightly bowed and looked at him through her black rimmed eyes and his only thoughts were about the line he was going to use woo her.  Surely a pretty thing like her would have a little game to her. A challenge was always more fun.

"Yes my Lord, I come with my sister and cousins for the ball. You must have heard of them, the twins, Elena and Eric Stone? " He thought for a second before his memory put faces to the names. The twins were way too notorious to not be in his memory. The children of the captain on the palace gaurds.  They had extremely curly brown hair and from what he recalled, they looked nothing like the lady in front of him. There could have not been more of a contrast.

"I do know of them. A fine duo of trouble." He replied to the lady as they took a glass of wine and walked around the hall. It was an extremely lavish ball that the King and the Queen had thrown for  him to find a Princess. He did tell them again and again he was not yet ready but the will of the two was set in stone and rarely faltered.

"They never mean any harm my Lord. But yes, a duo of trouble they are. Aunt Elaura is always worked up because of them. " She said as they continued walking and soon entered an empty corridor away from the eyeing crowd.

"Sounds hectic. So my Lady, would I have the pleasure of your name?" He asked giving her his best smile. Usually ladies were introduced instead of him going up to them. This one was different. She had an aura of beauty and appeal.

"Eliana Stone, my Lord. " The Lady replied politely. He smirked to himself. She had a pretty name and a pretty face. She would be a good conquest. He could already imagine the scene playing out in his head, his imagination as active as ever.

"You must already know who I am I hope." he said as he took her through a palace garden.

"That I do.You are Prince Drake Willington of Alera. " She replied with a bowed head not meeting his eyes. This was going to be easy.


Izabelle was burning up inside and out.

Her insides felt like hot lava and whatever Becka was feeding her since she had lost consciousness was not working.

She twisted and turned. Grunts filled the room as she sweat and felt like these were her last moments on the planet where she had hoped to live an adventure. Alas an adventure was the last thing that was going to happen she thought.

"Nothing is helping my lord," Becka told someone. Not much registered through the haze Izabelle was in but she could guess who it was.

"Becka, You need to keep her alive and awake. Elber is out to get some herbs. Keep her up." The lord said in a desperation Belle had never heard him speak in before.  It did not suit him. Was she halucinating?

"I can only try my Lord. Whatever she gave her is beyond my understanding. It is no usual herb. Most likely we are dealing with witchcraft." Becka said hopelessly looking at the pale girl whose face was scrunched up in agony. "Maybe once she wakes up and is well, you should let her go my Lord."

A scream from Izabelle broke the tensed atmosphere that came after Becka has suggested something so outrageous. She was not safe within the walls of the manor and Lord Willington understood that now. He had to let her go even though he is bound by the promise of the Rosa to marry her. It was more to keep him safe than the promise. He knew what letting her go meant. Forever damnation or death. Whichever came to him first.

What could he do now?

"Becka! I got the needed herbs." 


Beauty And The Vampire: It All Started With A Rose #1 Where stories live. Discover now