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Izabelle stood at the front door of Red's home with the cursed prince by her side.  They had everything with them packed and and loaded onto the horses.  The boys had somehow managed to find the prince's horse that ran off during his fight. Izabelle stood waiting for the witch to make her way out. She had told them to wait for her and went into a room Izabelle knew not about. 

As she awkwardly shifted from one leg to another, the prince stood relaxed staring at the nothingness in the darkness.  It was nothingness for her. The night was barely illuminated by the lights coming from the house and the moonlight hid behind the gigantic trees. For the prince however, he was more of a creature of the night. Covered by his hood, Izabelle couldn't even see if what he was thinking was troubling or just another random fleeting thought one has when the sun has set.  Night.  It was the perfect home for deep thoughts. Thoughts that you never would imagine yourself having during the day. Things that stay deep within your mind that you can not ignore during the night. Darkest fears and greatest realizations tend to have a discussion with the person as the dark continues.

As Izabelle twirled a lock of her hair that had come lose the tired hinges of the door creaked opened. Out came Red with a bottle of vile in one hand and something that looked like a long carved wooden wand in another. From the way the wood looked Izabelle was reminded of the various fairytales she had heard of women with magic wands. 

"All ready to go?" Red asked one final time.  Izabelle nodded and with some little help from the prince sat up on the horse. The prince soon after sat on his and they looked at the witch. Red confidentially came up to Izabelle's horse and with the wand tapped on his nose.  Izabelle watched curious as she moved on and did the same with the prince's horse. The horses neighed but didn't move around much and soon Red was chatting something Izabelle couldn't hope to pick up.  Words flew out of her lips like beautiful melody but lasted less than a minute.  It made Izabelle sad.  It ended a little too quickly for her to enjoy it like a song.

As if a finishing touch, Red spread the contents of the bottle in front of the horsesm the clear liquid, instead of going all over the ground went forward in a thin line and soon vanished out of sight.  For a moment nothing happened.  Izabelle wondered what was going on and looked at Red and the line of liquid that shined a little under the dim light from the house.  As the moments passed Red chanted again. Like before Izabelle couldn't make out anything but this time she could see the results.  The clear liquid turned silver and spread to both sides. The liquid had become a pathway. 

"All you need to do to escape dangers of this forest is to remain on the path. No creature of the forest shall harm you two." Red said with a last swing of the wand.  Izabelle couldn't be more gracious.  She had no intentions of running into blood thirsty wolves again.  She had just opened her mouth to say some words of gratitude when a loud screech tore through the silence of the deep woods.

Red's back straightened instantly and her eyes darted across.  Footsteps echoed through the forest heading towards them.

"Step on the path!" Red shouted out and the prince's reacted first by moving his horse and snapping Izabelle from her confused state by calling out for her. 

"Hurry Belle!" Red shouted and Izabelle's horse stepped on to the path. Izabelle couldn't help but look behind we seeing what made Red so edgy all of a sudden. The answer was in front of her a second later. As the horse moved forward a creature nothing like she had seen before descended from the sky and landed on the ground with a thud.  Followed closely behind were the wolves that had attacked them before. As the creature looked towards the path way, directly in Izabelle's eyes, Izabelle knew whom and what she feared the most at the moment. With quick kick to tell the horse to quicken his pace, Izabelle soon went on ahead on the path behind the prince. The screeches of the creature whose image was now burnt on her head rang through out the forest along with growls of the wolves. 

Standing on two feet, the creature was a mixture between a cat, bear and a bird. It was huge like a bear with limbs and eyes like a cat. Its body was covered in black and red feather and pointed red wings protruded out of his back. He was a monster.  A kind Izabelle hadn't seen before.  The kind that made the beastly prince look charming.

Although the voices grew distant and Izabelle could know longer see the place where she once took shelter, she knew that a battle was going on and the creature was not on from the forest.  What scared her more was that if the wolves were protecting the forest by defeating the creature, they could do nothing were the creature to step inside the path.  With that thought Izabelle urged her horse to go forward even quicker and said a silent prayer to the stars above.

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Until next time,



Beauty And The Vampire: It All Started With A Rose #1 Where stories live. Discover now