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The fire was dim.  Izabelle Edwards sat cold and slightly blue on the hard, dirty, battered dungeon ground. Her body was freezing and there was no sign of a knight in shining armour around to help her like all those books she read. Having had no contact with the outside world in the days following the dinner Izabelle sat depressed and craved a being to just come to show their face even if it's for a moment. Her family was big and she had never been so alone.  Even in the manor Becka would keep her company most of the time.

The dinner had left Izabelle wondering what happened to the beast however the curiosity did not last as hypothermia like state took over the following night.

Like the day before, she was not expecting anyone to visit her for more than dropping the food outside while she slept. It was quite a surprise to Izabelle when she heard a female voice call out to her in the dizzy spells. It was a surprise and she couldn't make out any of it. She did not remember a thing after that as her body urged her to sleep to save energy and her life. 


Hot and sweaty. Burning yet cold. What was happening Izabelle did not know.  Her eyes were sore and refused to open just like her clenched fists and all other part of her body that seemed swollen and refusing commands from her.  Her throat was heavy and clogged and desperate need for a liquid to soothe it. She wanted to throw up and gulp in all the air she could.  Her body was confused whether to take a dive in ice cold water and soothe the burning or to go and burn in the fire to help with the cold tremors that ran through her body. She had little energy and all her senses were shut. Soon Izabelle gave into the turmoil and fell into an uneasy sleep.


"Tg lev sí.. "

There were words around her. Words that made no sense. Words that kept on repeating and repeating until she could make out more of her situation and start to unfreeze.

The first thing she realized was that the area around her was not one she had seen before.  It was just too bright for that. She was definitely not in a dungeon and it was sunlight that was illuminating the room unlike the candles she had grown accustomed to.  The soft scent of the candles was missing from the room too. It did not seem like a room from the Willington estate. 

The next thing she noticed was that the room was awfully colourful and her body, and now her eyes, ached too. The ache was more of a throb and seemed to lessen every second she remained conscious. 

A constant stream of words "Tg lev sí" flowed in the room. The more it flowed the more Izabelle could notice. First her senses to see became clearer and clearer. Then her ears could hear the words more carefully. Her body was tingling all over as the things took place simultenuously at some moments and at some they seemed to not be happening at all.  One thing was constant though. She could not make a thing about what was going around. The questions where there but not there still as the feelings overwhelmed her. She was hot and cold together. 

"Tg lev sí, rest, résí," and with that she was out like a blown candle again. 


It could have been days, or a month or year.  Izabelle woke up warm with the smell of freshly cooked food. This feeling of a perfect wake up call was something she did not remember. If she did it was long since forgotten.

Izabelle stretched and got out of a perfectly soft and warm bed that was worthy of a princess. It felt like she could spend a lifetime there however her body seemed to have a mind of its own when she got out.  Again her body seemed to have a mind of its own as she made her way out of the door and through various white and baby blue halls until it stopped right in front of a special door. The door opened on its own accord before Belle even had a chance to get to know what was happening. 

"Finally, you are awake! About time you were." A voice called out. It was shrill and seemed quite young and happy just like its owner in front of her.  A tall, oval faced woman clad in a white and peach gown wearing an even brighter smile.

"Come sit down, I have cake and some tea along with some of my specialities for you to eat. Sit fast now. " Izabelle waited a moment and got a pointed look making her sit quicker than she had ever before. The lady could have her face transform from an angel to devil's in a millisecond. 

As Izabelle ate the pastry a few questions flowed through her mind.  She dared not ask before she had finished because the lady seemed very adamant about her eating. She kept on looking at her as she ate and all Izabelle could remember was the devil's look she got when she had hesitated sitting even for a second.

"Now, go back to sleep. You need it. " And Izabelle's body stood up again, rotated, opener the door and started walking without listening to a single one of Izabelle's commands. 

"But what-stop-what is happening - why, who are you?" Her body stopped but not because she wanted to.  The dark haired lady seemed to be in command of her body.

"You have questions..," the lady muttered, "Of course you have questions, shh go sleep for now." The lady commanded and her muscles moved again. 

Beauty And The Vampire: It All Started With A Rose #1 Where stories live. Discover now