peace of mind

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We are all beautiful!!   

If you are ugly than I am ugly,

if you are gross than I am gross

if you are anything but perfect then that leaves me being  devastatingly repulsive.

We are all different.

No one is the same, no one is alike.

Every has there up and downs, there would be no ups if there were no downs, you have to know bad in order to know good.

No one should feel the least bit ashamed or unwanted simply because someone else said so, or because someone else told you that you were ugly or gross because there are people out there who would tell you otherwise.

everyone knows that EVERYONE  has there faults, you have yours and I have mine but we can both turn those faults and weaknesses into strengths.

I love you all, now go and make the best of yourself ;)


so I figured out that if you put your name in your righting and if you look that name up on Google then  a link to the story will pop up in goggle images so here go's nothing, Gena Dever

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