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have you ever had some who looked up to you or have you ever looked up to some one. What about looking down on some one, have you ever looked down on some one, has some one ever looked down on you? Some people are fortunate enough to have a brother some are big brothers some are little. A brother will look out for you when your in deep trouble no matter how old. Sometimes a brother is a friend, sometimes your friend acts as a brother but no matter what you will always have a brother, you will always have some one looking out for you. I have a brother and I love him and look out for him but I hope one day he will look out for me, I cherish him because I know im lucky to have him no matter how irritating he gets, how much he may anger me, how stupid he may act. Brothers are important.

I hope you feel the same and more for your brother.


don't forget to comment your thoughts and like my piece :)

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