4. touch

132 15 4

it was addicting.

it was my drug.

i could never seem to get enough,

and you didn't hesitate to supply.

why did you trick me?

what game were you playing with my mind?

i want to know,

for i go nights without sleep because of you.

help me.

i need to be set free,

but the chains are too strong.

i feel naked without you,

is this what loneliness feels like?

I need you again,

and my heart is freezing over.

if i let it get too cold, I may not survive.

keep me warm.

hold me.


don't touch me.

i'll have to let you go again,

and i'm not ready for the sorrow that follows.

let me walk away this time.

let me go.



let me go.


come back,

i'm not ready to part.

you're touch is too addicting,

and you know it all too well.

one last touch?

never let me go.

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