Proposal-Part 25

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This was my first story and can I just say at first I was like oh this is great but as I'm getting to the end I'm realizing my story isn't what I wanted. I'm going to have this part be the end and then start a new story because I'm not enjoying having to update this story. It wasn't planned and I just added a whole bunch of stuff when things got boring. Okay lets get into the story now. If you guys want an epilogue or a second book then just comment or something. 

After Jay finished so she could take care of the twins, Louis pulled me into the bathroom and we had a pretty heated make out session. We were sadly interrupted by Lottie informing us to come out and watch the kids hunt for the eggs. 

"Damn it Lottie." Louis groaned. Louis continued placing wet kisses on my earlobe. 

"Mum wants you two to come out. It's Easter! We need to spend it as a family. Oh god, you better not be-" Lottie began but Louis quickly interrupted her lurching his head back.

"No. We aren't having sex in the bathroom." Louis said rolling his eyes. I felt my cheeks heat up. "Although we would've if you hadn't interrupted us." 

"Eww." Lottie bleated. "I don't want to know that."

"You shouldn't have asked." Louis sassed as he fixed his fringe in the mirror. There was a shoe clatter against the floor that became quieter as Lottie walked away.

"I'll meet you out there. I just need to remove all this makeup. I feel like a piece of cake." I frowned. Louis smiled and pinched my cheeks.

"You do look like a piece of cake. Sweet and delicious. I want to eat you." Louis coaxed. 

"Thanks." I sarcastically responded. Louis pinched my bum before leaving the bathroom. I rolled my eyes and stared at my face in the mirror. How do girls wear this much makeup?

My face feels like its drowning, like I'm wearing a many face masks. Not that I've used one before.

I looked around the bathroom for something to remove all the stuff from my face. I gave up and grabbed the hand towel. I put it under the tap water and began removing the mask from my face so all my blemishes were showing. 

"Why do you have makeup on your face?" Georgia asked with a look of disgust. I looked up at the mirror and saw Georgia. Her nose was scrunched up as she leaned against the door frame.

"You know the twins. They wanted to practice their makeup skills on someone." I responded kind of nervous. 

"No offence but why on you? You're a guy. They could have done it on Fiz." She sneered. 

"I was just being nice. How was your drive here?" I asked politely.

"That doesn't concern you." She rudely responded. I took a breath out and kept a smile on my face. I had to just relax, maybe something happend and that's why she is moody.

" Oh, well if you excuse me I need to clean my face so I will see you outside." I chirped. Georgia just glared at me before walking down the hall. I managed to hear something she mumbled under her breath. 


I closed the door ignoring her comment and cleaned my face with warm water and soap. I pushed my long curly hair back and practiced smiling in the mirror. After making a couple of faced in the mirror I opened the door and walked to the back patio where everyone was. 

The girls were running around in the yard searching for eggs. Louis had both Ernie and Doris' hand in his. He let go of their small hands and kneed down picking up two eggs. I smiled as he placed one egg in each basket. 

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