Fallout // Newscapepro

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And because I love the minecraft roleplay of Fallout 4 and Newscapepro, I decided to make a little oneshot. This takes place after Cory and Uni falls down the vent. And I barely remember what they said so... 



"Uni you really gotta lay off the food there--"

"You traitor!" Gray pulled out a machete, rushing to Cory in attempt to slice him open due to his anger. I sat up and watched the scene in front of me. Poor Adam had to stop Gray from his outburst. "Woah woah woah. I have a gun and you only have a knife, I could shoot you right here, right now." Cory threatened as he pointed the gun in my older brother's face.

Granted, I was mad at Cory. After betraying me and my brother (And pointing a gun at my brother's face). I honestly did not expect that especially when we were becoming so close since they arrived. Their argument went on while I stood up and held my desert eagle on my hand.

"Just put the weapons down! Fighting isn't going to settle anything!" Adam convinced. At least we still had a reasonable person here. Ironically, he's a ghoul.

"Yeah, put the knife down," Cory said. Surprisingly for Gray, he slowly retrieved his machete when Cory cocked his gun. 

"Now don't pull it back up." "He won't need to," I spoke up aiming my gun, a few meters away from Cory's face. "Once I put a bullet between your eyes. Oh wait, never mind," I chuckled. "You know it's not funny to make fun of someone who has a deformed face. Have a little respect," Cory replied irritatingly. I scoffed at that. Really? "Normally, I don't make fun of people but in your case, I'll gladly make an exception," I sassed. He tightened his jaw and I smirked. "Cory...," Adam warned. "Fine, fine," Cory groaned and lowered his gun. "Tina..." Gray placed a hand on my shoulder signalling me to lower my gun. I hesitantly lowered it and stared at Cory who already had his gaze on me. 

My heart unexpectedly fluttered and I looked away with a stone expression hopefully hiding my moment of vulnerability. "Why the hell are you even here?" Gray asked, glaring at Cory and Uni. "Look, it doesn't matter what sides we're on anymore because we need to get out of here. Those bounty hunters betrayed us," Cory briefly explains then looking at Adam and I when he said the last part. "So did my men," Gray muttered. "I swear If I see any one of them I will...," He grumbled and tightened his grip on his machete. 

"What do you suggest we do then? We're sitting ducks here and for all we know, there are guards covering every corner of this place," I said. "You still have your weapons, Cory. Right?" Uni barked and I stared at the fur ball.

I was still getting used to him talking. I mean, he is a talking dog. It doesn't make much sense to me for now at least. Apparently, Uni either gets attached or creates a bond with the person in order for that person to communicate with him, telepathically. I guess I'm one of those few lucky people. 

"They're armored and we're outnumbered," I replied with a frown, hopelessness evident in my voice. "Not if we fight back. It doesn't matter how much weapon or men they have, all that matters are the skill and the brains," Adam encouraged. "Well, it's settled then. I'll attempt to hack the door open. In the meantime, you guys search the whole room. There might be something useful we could find," Gray suggested and we all nodded. 

"Cory, I'm hungry," I hear Uni whisper to the camera face as I was about to walk away. "Hey, Uni. I think I have some extra food in my pack," I smiled and the dog cheered-or barked I should say and happily followed me.

"You seem to be getting along with Uni really well," Cory commented as I opened a little zip lock bag that contained cooked chicken meat and gave it to Uni. "Well, she's much nicer than you are, Cory," Uni laughed while he fed on the meat. "Can't really disagree to that," I chuckled as it seemed like I was joking. Not really. "But at least the dog's still loyal," I followed with a bitter comment. 

He sighed and knelt down beside me. "We wouldn't have came back if we really intended this to happen," "Well, what did you expect? That everything would be rainbows and peace? Thought you were smarter than that." I sneered and gave him a glare. "I'm trying to make it up to you and explain what I can and you being difficult makes it...difficult you know?" I opened my mouth to argue back when he suddenly spoke again. "You know what, forget it. Come on, Uni. Let's find something useful instead of wasting our time," Cory stood up. Uni gives me an longing look of apology before prancing after the guy.

A sinking feeling replaced my anger. Maybe I have gone too far? Maybe I was a jerk for not letting him explain. He quite deserved it after all? I wasn't really fond of being betrayed especially now that all I have is my brother and no one else. It bothered me a lot and for some reason, it hurt more than I thought.


"Sky left, Ross. He couldn't stand the person you've become so just please, put the weapons down and we'll settle this once and for all," Cory pleaded, sincerity and concern evident in his voice. And to our shock, he slowly steps out of cover with his hands raised as if to surrender. In addition, no one dared to fire.

 I looked at Cory worried at what he was doing and in response, he glanced at me back. From the looks of it, he wasn't just doing this for us to immediately stab Ross in the back if he gives in but he meant it. Although, Adam wasn't really into the idea.

 "No, you're lying. You're as good as dead!" Without any hesitation, I sprinted towards Cory who was already on the ground covering himself in attempt to not get hit by the bullets. Luckily, he avoided it.

Everything was in slow motion for me, as I ran to Cory, I powered on my shield that was attached to my wrist and as I got in front of him, the shield produced a flash and created an electromagnetic shield that protected Cory and I from the blazing bullets.

 Ross and his men paused their fire. I was barely standing and my breath was ragged for some reason and Cory behind me, who seemed pretty damn horrified at the fact that he almost got killed and I just basically risked my life to save his.

 Then a rumbling sound interrupted the powerful tension. Everyone looked around to find for the noise when an explosion came from the side of the area. As the smoke cleared, we saw two silhouettes. One was way larger than the other who held some sort of gun. The smoke had finally cleared and revealed a man with goggles and a grey hoodie with a mini gun and as if that wasn't much of a surprise to us, there was a deathclaw behind me. A huge deathclaw.

"Hands in the air, caps on the ground!" 

"Oh my God... Nick..." I heard Adam gasp. 

 "I've been looking for you guys everywhere!" "Nick" said in quite a bit cheery tone that didn't exactly fit the situation much. 

 "Why are you all just standing there? Fire at will!" Ross suddenly commands to his men. Fortunately for us, they seem to be intimidated enough to keep them from firing. 

"Face it Ross, your men are not following your orders anymore. You're done. It's over. Now put the gun down," Cory said and stands right beside me. 

 My shield gradually disappears as Ross puts his gun on the ground, finally surrendering. I huffed and exhaled when I felt a searing pain on my stomach area. 

Everything began to get a bit blurry and echoes in the background. I looked up to see Cory and Adam make their way to Nick then looked at my stomach area and saw that my shirt was completely soaked with blood. I was shot. 

 "Guys! Tina got shot! Tina's injured!" I heard Uni screamed but it felt like it was far away.

Everything was fading as I felt myself collapse to the ground, hitting my head really hard enough when I felt liquid trickle down the side of my head. Blurry outlines were all I could see and I still could hear faint barking and voices that called out to me. I blinked in hopes to clear my vision but for a split second, I saw...Cory...smiling but he was normal? He didn't have any camera face or anything weird at all. But he looked down at me smiling, his blue eyes replaced his lens, his metal covered face was pure skin with his long dirty blonde hair hidden under a snapback. 

"Everything will be okay, I promise you." 

 And that was all I last heard before everything went black.

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