Chapter 2.3

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It has been 6 days since Aidan had asked to accompany Thomas and Ethan to the Lunar Kingdom. They were about to run out of food and water if they didn't pass by a village soon.

Aidan was used to traveling short distances which took about 10-14 days by horse. But from what she had gathered from Ethan and Thomas, it will take over a month before they had reach the Lunar Kingdom. She herself, wasn't so sure whether she would last long enough to make it there.

She groaned as she heard her stomach grumble  for the third time that day. She hadn't pretty much eaten anything since that morning.

They were currently taking a break since it was dangerous to travel in the woods in the dark. One would never know if the poisonous insects had bitten them nor if ferocious animals were marking them when they travel in the dark. There was only so much a human could see and hear.

Aidan glanced at Thomas and Ethan who had passed out from exhaustion a long time ago. She wasn't the only one tired after all. Trying to make as little noise as possible, Aidan slowly crept past their sleeping bodies and made her way to where their bags were located.

She was not sure of their identity and did not want to trust them. She had to ensure her safety first before anything else. It was strange when the two men immediately accepted her when she suggested that she accompany them to the Lunar Kingdom, where no one could return alive once they enter.

Aidan glanced at Thomas and Ethan once more before proceeding on to empty their bags. Like she had expected, they did have knives and daggers, each covered with a piece of cloth. They had several maps, a compass and some food supplies. She glanced at the folded piece of paper lying on the ground.

Just when Aidan was about to open the paper, she heard Ethan groan and she immediately stopped. She quickly dumped everything into the bags before running back to her makeshift bed immediately.

Her heart was racing so fast and her brain was trying to come up with all kinds of excuses to explain what she was doing, as she looked at Ethan again, only to find him snoring. She heaved a sigh of relief and decided to get some sleep before the sun rose and they had to travel under the sweltering hot weather.

Unknown to Aidan, Thomas was watching her the whole time. He knew that Lucas was spying on them. But why? What kind of business could he have with them?

He still couldn't shake off the feeling that he had met Lucas somewhere before. He got up slowly, trying to be as quiet as he could manage as he made his way to where Lucas was sleeping.

Before he could check her belongings, he heard a slight movement in the forest and turned around immediately. He grabbed onto his sword as he slowly moved forward towards the direction he had heard the sound coming from. He heaved a sigh of relief when he realised that it was only a bat. 

Knowing that he had plenty of time to uncover Aidan's identity on their way to the Lunar Kingdom, Thomas decided to go back to sleep and ponder about complicated matters later.


"I can't believe Aidan went to Lunar Kingdom on his own. Does he even realise how dangerous that place is?" Jevon muttered as he ran his hand through his hair.

"What I can't believe at the moment is the fact that both of us are sharing a room together tonight," Haidee said, sighing.

"You are the one who said we have to save money for later because the journey to Lunar Kingdom was a really long one."

"But that doesn't mean we have to be in the same room! You are a guy, can't you just sleep outside or something?" Haider asked. "If only Aidan had brought us along with him, I wouldn't have to put up with this annoying idiot," Haidee shouted.

"Idiot? Who are you calling an idiot? I saved you from getting groped by those two burly men in the middle of the street. Shouldn't you show at least a little bit of appreciation towards your saviour?" Jevon scoffed.

"Whatever," Haidee said and after a slight pause, she continued, "Hey Jevon, don't you think that something is strange? The day after we left our village, didn't we see Aidan's picture on the 'wanted' list on the notice board? Do you think they are the ones who did it? That is, if Aidan had run away from completing his mission, are they planning to assassinate him or something?"

"Now that I think about it, it does seem strange. But I don't think that is the case because what if Aidan got caught on his way to the lunar Kingdom? Then all of their work would have been wasted. I have a feeling that it is someone else who knows his face. Who could you think it might be?" He asked as he took out the paper he had torn from the noticeboard when no was looking.

"Well, there are very few people who personally know him and many who know his nickname. But only the two of us know that Aidan has been killing people outside of his village in order to protect his people. So the person looking for Aidan probably doesn't know who Aidan was, or is probably one step ahead of the association we are working for. Whatever it is, Aidan is in danger and the chances are very high that Aidan is unaware of it," Haidee answered as she grabbed the paper from him. 

She tried to look for any names or clues on the paper that could perhaps show her who it was that was after Aidan but couldn't seem to find any.

"We have to find Aidan soon before he gets into trouble and no one else is there to help him. We have to be there for him no matter what happens. After all, he was the one who helped us when we needed someone's help the most. Now, it is our turn to help him," Jevon said.

"Yeah..." Haidee agreed. 


"Peyton, are you still keeping an eye on Aidan?" 

"Yes, your highness. He seems to have left his companions behind at his village and is currently travelling with two strangers. One of them seems familiar but I cannot remember where exactly I had seen him before," Lord Peyton answered. 

"I see," he answered as he brought the glass, half filled with fresh blood, to his lips. "It doesn't taste as sweet as hers," he said as he placed the glass back on the table. 

He could still remember the first time he had seen her 3 years ago, when she had beautiful long hair that reached her waist and was ignorant of the war taking place outside of her world. On the day when the houses were burning, the roads covered in deep red liquid and the village attacked by the merciless blood drinking creatures, was the day they had first met.

He couldn't take his eyes off her since the moment he had seen her. If it weren't for him, she wouldn't even have been able to escape that mess unscathed. It was an unforgettable day for him.

"Aidan... Aidan... It is indeed a pleasant name. I wonder what her real name is?" 


Thank you so much to those who have read and commented on my book. I really appreciate them. Sorry for the irregular updates. I tend to get distracted easily >.<

Thank you new readers! Hope you are enjoying my story. Recently, the number of my new readers for this story had increased more than ten times suddenly over one night, which caught me by surprise and encouraged me to finally finish this chapter(I didnt know how to end this chapter so I had left the story on hold for a while). 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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