The Ring

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He waved goodbye and began leading me towards his car.
I tried to side step his controlling arm but he gave me a warning look. I didn't fight it, I needed him to be happy, at least until I knew whether or not Peter was okay.

I got into the car and he followed me in. The locks clicked as soon as he closed the doors behind us.

"Leave it to you to make a scene." He said under his breath.

"Leave it to you to do random acts of violence." I retorted.

"Well, I wouldn't call it random."

I made a disgusted sound in the back of my throat and leaned against the leather seat as the car pulled onto the road.

"Don't pout, she's alive isn't she?"

"That's not the point."

"No the point is that you really shouldn't pull shit like that again," he rolled his eyes, "I just can't believe you thought I wouldn't figure it out. The dollar bill was a good one, but you're much too predictable for that stuff."

"It was worth a shot."

He just chuckled and shook his head. I hated the sound of it, condescending and threatening at the same time.

We pulled up in front of my dorms and the car shut off.

"Where's Peter?" I asked before he could kick me out of the car.

"He's been taken care of." He said, checking his phone.

My stomach dropped, "What does that mean?"

He raised his eyebrows, "Wouldn't you like to know."

"Yes, I would." I insisted.

"Have your stuff ready to be moved out by 7 am tomorrow."

"Where's Peter?"

He continued to ignore me, "Anything not packed is getting left behind."

"Where's Peter?"

The driver got out and opened my door. He didn't remove me, but I knew he would if he was told.

"If you behave you might find out," he sighed like I was annoying him.

"How about I behave if you tell me?"

"You're not the one who has the ability to kill him, so I think we're going to do it my way." He snapped.

I raised an eyebrow, "So he's alive."

"The answer to that question is very dependent on whether or not you're cooperative."

I'd come to realize how serious he was about that, so I didn't argue anymore.

"Oh, wait," he called as I got to my feet on the sidewalk, "This is for you."

He tossed something black at me and I barely caught it. The velvet was soft against my fingers. It was a ring case.

"Put it on and don't take it off." He commanded before having the driver close the door between us.

A second later the car was driving away, leaving me standing on the street with a stupid looking grimace on my face.

Looking down at the little box in my hands I go to open it with shaking fingers.

I gasp when I see what's inside. The ring was beautiful, as much as I hated to admit it. The center gem was a bright glittering red stone surrounded by a halo of small diamonds.

It was cold as ice when I took it out of the case to examine it closer. The biting wind didn't even hold a candle to it.

I let the box drop to the ground. The ring stared up at me, daring me to put it on. I wish I had a choice.

It slipped on my finger like it was made for me, like it knew who I was. Hopefully it was just my imagination.

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