Chapter II

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At about half five-ish, I made my way to the Grand Staircase, I had got lost on the way there because of how large the ship is, so it's easy to get lost, I had asked Mr Andrews for directions to get there, I had finally reached my destination, by remembering the directions Mr Andrews had given me, I walked down the Grand Staircase to meet my escort, Joel.
"Officer Madden here, gave some assistance to my girlfriend earlier this afternoon" explains Christopher to the usual group, Mr Ismay,  Mr Andrews, Benjamin Guggenheim, Madame Aubert, Lord and Lady Duff-Gordon , Molly Brown, Colonel Archibald Gracie, me and Joel.
"How did you become an officer, Mr Madden?" Asks Christopher.
"Well, me and my twin brother loves the sea as kids, so when we were 16 just after our dad walked out on our mom, our older brother, Josh, us and our younger sister, Sarah, we started working on smaller boats, like the Nomadic, the ship that came when we were in Cherbourg in France. So when we were 23, we joined the White Star Line, my brother is the Fourth-Officer of the ship, which is weird because he is a bit older than me, in minutes not years, obviously"
"That's quite a story, Mr Madden, if I do say so myself" says Mr Andrews with a smile.
"What is your brother called, Joel?" I ask.
"Benjamin, but he prefers to be called Benji, for short" says Joel as he grinned at me. I of course blushed at it. After dinner, Colonel Archibald Gracie stood up and said his predictable line:
"Joining me for a Brandy, gentlemen?" He turns to Joel and asks:
"Joining us, Madden? You don't want to stay out here with all the women do you?"
"No, I've got other things to do"
"All business and politics, wouldn't be an interest to you. Oh, and Madden, good of you to come" says Christopher to Joel. What I hadn't realised was that Joel had passed me a note saying: 'Carpe Diem! Meet me at the clock- Joel'.
I stared at it for a few minutes, I then walked back to the Grand Staircase to see Joel, I found him standing facing the clock that is there.

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