Chapter III

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Joel then took me down to the lower decks of the Titanic, where the Third-Class passengers stayed, there was already a party going on down there, it looked quite fun compared to the mundane so called 'parties' that I was used to up in the aloof First-Class section of the ship. Back in 1911, the previous year, Christopher had hired a bodyguard, called Elijah Martin, me and Joel will have to avoid both Christopher and Elijah, if either of them spots us being together, or we wouldn't make off the ship and make it to New York alive, that's if either one of them find out about me and Joel being together. I spotted Elijah at the corner of my eye, we've got to get out of here, any minute now.
"Joel, I see Elijah, we have to get out of here before he gets us and takes us to Christopher" I say in a panic.
"Who's that?" Asks Joel.
"Christopher's bodyguard, Elijah Martin, he hired him to keep me 'out of trouble', according to Christopher, actually" I explain.
"He is coming towards us! Cover me!" I say to Joel, I needed to think of something quick to make Elijah go away. I then (out of the blue) kissed Joel, it was the only way so that Elijah would leave us and everyone else here alone, he went away two second later, I then stopped kissing Joel.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, it was just so Elijah would go away" I apologised to Joel.
"It's fine, really"
"Yeah, and I... I actually liked it"
"Seriously?" I ask while blushing a little.
The Titanic has docked at Queenstown, in Ireland. I had to deal with Christopher the Angry Ant, last night, because Elijah had told him that he seen me and Joel kissing at the Third-Class party below decks, Christopher had forbid me to see Joel and he also threatened to kill him as well, but his threats aren't going to stop me from seeing Joel.
I went to The Bridge where all the officers would be, Joel introduced me to the other six officers, I'm friends with them all, I seen Billy, Chris and Paul all standing in the Wheelhouse.
"Hi, guys" I say, I had made them all jump.
"Hey, Hannah. You looking for your little Romeo?" Says Billy.
"Aw shut up, you. And yes, I'm looking for my little 'Romeo', where is he?"
"I think he's away with Benj, but I don't know where" says Billy.
"Okay, when he comes back tell him I was looking for him"
"Okay, I think he said that when he got back he was going to come and see you anyway, and yeah, I'll say to him that his Juliet was looking for him"
"Alright, when he turns up, tell him that I'm in the ship's library"
"Alright, I'll tell him"
"Thanks, Billy. You're my best friend, d'you know that?"
"Yup, sure did"
"Hey! What about us?" Whines Chris and Paul.
"I like all you guys as well, you are all my best friends, except maybe Henry and Joel" I say.
"Why Henry and Joel?" Asks Paul.
"Because Henry isn't as much fun as you three, and Joel, he's kinda like my-"
"Boyfriend?!" Says Billy and Chris.
"Yeah, sort of" I say.
"Hannah and Joel up a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a carriage!" Jokes Billy, Paul and Chris.
"I'm going to kill you three now!" I say pretending to be annoyed at 3 out of my 6 friends. We ran past Captain Smith, he looked a bit confused to see 3 of his officers being chased by a First-Class passenger, me. I heard the 3 boys complaining about me to Captain Smith, it went something like this:
BILLY: Captain, we're getting chased for nothing
CAPTAIN SMITH: Mr Martin, you are one of the high ranking officers, and you as well, Mr Wilson. Mr Thomas, don't be learning anything antic-like off of these two, they are nothing but trouble
PAUL: Yes, Captain
CHRIS: Sir, she's chasing us because we were making fun of her and Joel's little 'Romeo & Juliet' love story.
CAPTAIN SMITH: Mr Wilson, that is not appropriate behaviour to be showing the upper class
CHRIS: No, sir
CAPTAIN SMITH: Good. Now, I do believe you all have a watch to do
BILLY, CHRIS & PAUL (gloomily): Yes, sir, bye, sir. I laughed as they all left in a huff because they've got their job to do.
"Sir, have you seen Third and Fourth-Officer Madden anywhere?" I asked Captain Smith.
"No, I haven't seen Joel or Benjamin anywhere, but keep looking, I'm sure they'll turn up somewhere"
"They're not lost, sir. According to Officer Martin, they are somewhere, but I don't know where"
"I think I saw them in the Cargo Hold"
"What were they doing in there?"
"I don't know, maybe checking if everything is in order and nothing has been stolen"
"Maybe you are right, sir" I say.

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