First Fight (Part 1)

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Sam: You sat, silently fuming as you waited for the predicted phone call or text message with the pathetic apology, from your boyfriend who had stood you up tonight. You had waited for over 2 hours for him to pick you up, before coming to the conclusion that he wasn't going to be coming to get you for your date tonight. It wasn't even the fact that he had left you waiting, well, maybe it was a little bit, but it was more the fact that he hadn't called or anything to tell you that he would be late or that he couldn't make it. You'd had to sit, receiving pity looks from your Mum and Dad, who realised your situation. And as f that wasn't bad enough, your sibling had spent the past 30 minutes teasing you about the fact that your beloved boyfriend had forgotten all about you, and what annoyed you (and hurt you) the most, was the fact that he was right.

Sam always put the pack before you, and your relationship, and you were okay with that to an extent, but when it came to things like this, dates you had planned with him a week in advance, so he could clear his schedule and get time away from the guys, and he had still not bothered to show up, that was just too much.

Meanwhile, back at his place, Sam was sat on the couch, a beer in hand, watching a game with the guys, completely unaware that it was tonight he was supposed to be going out with you.

"Hey, I thought you had a date tonight?" Quil spoke up, making Sams eyes widen in horror at what he'd done.

"Oh God!" he groaned, quickly standing up and rushing out the door, making his way to your place, hoping you weren't too mad at him. But he knew you would be, he knew he'd messed up, he just hoped you'd let him make it up to you.

Jared: Your eyes were narrowed as you watched your boyfriend talk with everyone else at the bonfire, everyone except you. He's barely even looked at you all night. You weren't being clingy or anything, you just didn't understand why he was ignoring you. You hadn't done anything wrong, so there was no reason for him to be mad at you, nor for him to have any reason to ignore you the way he was. Sighing, you took a seat on one of the logs, staring into the bright fire in front of you.

"Hey, you okay?" Seth asked you, coming and taking the seat beside you, the one Jared would usually sit in.

"Yeah, I'm fine" you lied. In all honesty you weren't fine. You knew it was stupid to be hurt over something so silly, but you couldn't help it.

"No you're not, come on. Tell me what's wrong" he urged

"Jared's ignoring me, and I don't know why" you admitted, your voice quiet. You suddenly shivered, a gust of wind making you feel more of the cold.

"Forget him, he'll come to his senses soon enough. Don't let it or him, upset you" Seth told you, smiling as he threw an overheated arm over your shoulder, bringing your body closer to his, to help keep you warm.

"Thanks Seth" you murmured, feeling him give you a comforting squeeze.

"Take your hands, off of my girlfriend, Clearwater" Jared snarled, glaring at Seth, who still had his arm around you. This just made you angry. Not only had he ignored you all night, but now that someone else was paying you the slightest bit of attention, he had the nerve to tell them to stop?

"Don't you dare speak to him like that! He was being nice to me, which is more than you've been tonight! I don't know why you're being so ignorant to me, but I'm not taking it, Jared. You've ignored me all night, and I'm done sitting back, waiting for you to come talk to me. I'm going home, and I want you to stay away from me, you douche!" you snapped, more annoyed than upset.

Jared opened his mouth to say something, but didn't get a chance, before you were walking away from him.

"Thanks again, Seth" you said, turning around again to give the younger boy a gentle smile. With that, you turned again, and began walking home.

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