They get jealous

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Sam:  Noticing the way a certain male was looking at you, Sam moves closer, trying not to come off as over protective and possessive, which you both knew he was. No matter how many times you tell him hes the only one for you, he still gets jealous, not being able to stand the way other men drool over you, when clearly you belong to him. 

Jared: He glares daggers at whoever it is he's jealous of this time, stepping beside you and introducing yourself to whatever male is taking up your time, making sure to emphasise the word 'boyfriend' when hes letting them know what he it to you, wanting to make it clear you're taken. By him.

Paul:  He growls, moving to be beside you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you to him, kissing you passionately, not caring whose around or who sees, wanting to make it obvious to anyone looking that you're his, you belong to him, and there is no way they can ever have you. 

Embry: Embry keeps quiet, just observing who you're talking to or who has his eyes on you, sticking to your side so no one can try anything. It's when things get too much for him that he wraps an arm around your shoulder, kissing your cheek and bringing your attention to him, where hes happy and content again, knowing you're his and knowing that you know that too. 

Jacob: It doesn't matter who it is, if another male is looking at you, talking to you or what he considers 'too close' he feels himself begin to get worked up, his inner self in overdrive as he tries to keep you by his side, not wanting to let you go at all, knowing people would be more likely approach you that way, so he sticks to you like glue, following you everywhere and wrapping a secure arm around your waist, letting anyone around who has any interest in you, know that you're with him. 

Quil: He's blunt when it comes to this type of thing. But you're his, so why shouldn't he? If ever anyone is flirting with you, he tries not to let his anger or jealousy show as he makes his way to you, wrapping his arms around you from behind and firmly stating that you 'have a boyfriend' so they should just 'back off'. This always amuses you personally, but you can tell how much Quil doesn't like it. 

Leah: Leah doesn't like you knowing she gets jealous all the time. She doesn't want to be like other wolves in the pack, who get possessive and over protective when it comes to their imprints and any potential threats to their relationship, so if she ever gets jealous, she keeps quiet, trying not to make it obvious, settling for holding your hand, leaning into your side. It's later when she admits to you alone how she felt, and with it being just the two of you, you let her show you that you're hers.

Seth: Seth is usually fun and care free, so you don't really expect him to ever get jealous, but he does. And he hates it. He feels uneasy when a male gets too close to you, not liking their close proximity to his girlfriend. He keeps you close, securing an arm around your waist tightly, giving you random kisses at unexpected times. You click on eventually, giving him a passionate kiss, reminding him that you're the only one for you, which, with another kiss, sends the green eyed monster away.

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