chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Morning hun," Chrissy said as she rolled over to face Miguel who was lying down facing Chrissy watching her sleep." Morning "Miguel said as he lean in and kiss her on the lips.

"It's a beautiful Sunday, what do you want to do today" he asked. Chrissy yawn and got off the bed and walk to the bathroom which was join into their room. "Ammm..... well lets  invited our friends over for the afternoon but first I have something to tell  you that I wanted to tell you since  last night", Chrissy told Miguel. Miguel who was now behind Chrissy ask" What is it Chrissy?".

" Well couple of days ago I was sick and I went to the pharmacy and I brought some home pregnancy tests.......... Yesterday morning after you left I took them, then went for a drive." she said.

" Chrissy stop blabbering and just get to the point," Miguel told Chrissy with his face puzzled. "Well I am pregnant," Chrissy said  so softly that Miguel almost didn't hear. "What did you say '"Miguel asked she." I am pregnant" she shouted to him and ran to the bedroom crying. 

Miguel stood there in shock then started to smile like a foolish idiot. He went to find Chrissy who was on the bed crying and hugging herself. He sat on the bed and pull Chrissy to him. "Shh.. there no reason for you to be crying, I am happy, shock, surprise but mostly happy and you should be to,  you are always talking  about wanting children so tell me hunny, why are you crying?" he asked her after kissing her on her head.

Later that day 

The friends started to arrived

"Hi Chrissy" they all say in union.

"Hi Alyssa, Angela, Emma, Carrie and Fiona, um where is Natasha?" Chrissy rely.

"Am we have not heard from her," Angela said.

"So where are the boys?" Chrissy asked the girls

"They outside by the pool " said Carrie.

"Ohok well help me set up the table outside cause I hungry" Chrissy said causing the girls to laugh. "Ok, I will  put out the chairs" Fiona said," I will  put out the plates and I will do the knifes and forks" Alyssa and Angela said. "Ok" well Emma see if you can find out where Natasha is and Carrie will help me bring out the food,OK,"Chrissy said." Yeah," we all said together making us laugh. The girls each went and did they task.

"Boy the sun  hot" Fiona said coming back inside wiping her face "the table is set lets go and eat I starving now. Emma did you hear from Natasha" Carrie asked. "No but I left... Carrie stared to say "Hi guys I was here all along just was upstairs with Chris and time slip away from us you know how it is" Natasha said  causing the girls to laugh and shake their head.

All the girls went outside laughing to saw the boys playing basketball. "Am you think we should tell them to come and get something to eat or just leave them there" Angela asked the girls. 

"Leave them" they all say in union." You know something from the time we got here we have been saying thing  all the time "Emma said. The girls went and took their seat and shared out the food. As soon as there was starting to eat the boys appeared.

"Hey, how could you." Shane shouted,

"Hey man, how ya  girls could eat and didn't tell we" Justin said

"Ohh, our bad, you guys must have slip our minds" Natasha said sarcastically with her hand over her mouth, causing the rest to laugh.

"Ohh, I see that how you girls what to be, just remember one thing we all leave with ya all, we will get  you back ,"Nick said smirking.

"Yh yh yh come and eat and shh I starving" Chrissy said "Yh me to" Fiona added.

Their chatted and talked about everything, soon after the table was quiet." I can't take this quietness so someone talk please" Fiona asked.

" Well Chrissy and I have something we want to tell you guys and I hope what you will be happy for us" Miguel said.

 "We are expecting" they  shouted. The girls give their congrats but the fellas looked puzzled. "What are you expecting," Kofi asked." You idiot, a baby," Carrie said as she threw the napkins at him. "Ohh congrats you guys, how long are you Chrissy, "Shane ask. "Not sure yet, going to the doctor tomorrow to find out," Chrissy rely.

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