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Seo Eon

Today, we have to report to school at 7:30. I've never woke this early since last year.

"Yah, wake up!" I heard someone shout. Usually, it was my mom, but I knew it wasn't her.

I opened my eyes, and saw Ji Eun.

"Wae?" I asked.

"It's 7:15! Get up!" She said.

"What time did you wake up?" I asked.

"7! Now wake up!" She shouted.

I looked at her and she was ready already.

"How about Su Hyeon?" I asked.

"She won't wake up," she said.

"Then go wake her first," I said, pulling the covers over my head.

"You wake up!" She said.

"Fine," I grumbled. I dragged my feet to the toilet as I heard shouting over the door again.

"I'm ready," I said 5 minutes later.

"Me too," Su Hyeon said.

"You woke up later than me, how did you wash up so fast?" I asked.

"Well, you just wash. And, change. That's easy," She said.

I laughed.

"Let's get going," Ji Eun said and opened the door.

When we reached school, it was already so crowded with many people chit chatting.

I went to the first class of the day, vocal lesson. I sing quite well, so, I like it. But I didn't have vocal lesson yesterday so I was wondering how it would turn out.

I was walking in when I bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry," the person's voice sounded familiar. I looked up and it was the same person who bumped into me yesterday.

"Oh, you go to this school too?" I asked.

He recognized me and nodded his head. "I'm Kyungsoo, but call me D.O.." he said.

D.O....he was one of the guys Suho told me about yesterday.

"I'm Seo Eon," I said.

We entered the classroom and sat beside each other. After all, it's better to sit beside a friend then a stranger.

We chatted abit before the teacher came.

"Today, you're going to pair up with someone to sing a duet," the vocal teacher said.

D.O. And I immediately looked at each other.

"Partner?" He asked.

"Sure," I high fived him.

The song we were told to sing is an OST from the drama Reply 1997, sang by Seo in Guk and Apink's Eunji, the song was "All For You".

"Practice this song and you will have to perform it in front of the class by the end of this week, for your weekly grades," the teacher said.

Yes. It was true. Besides dorms, newcomers had to have a weekly grade to see if your talent or grades are good enough to stay in Seoul Academy. If not, you transfer.

"Have you heard the song before?" I asked D.O.

He nodded his head. "I like it,"

"Do you have vocal lessons tomorrow?" D.O. Asked me.

I nodded my head. "But I don't on the following day,"

"So we only have 2 days to practice? Counting today," he said.

"I can remember the lyrics well, so I probably can do well with only 2 days," I said.

D.O. Nodded his head. "Same,"

Ji Eun

I don't like math. And I suck at it. So it's no surprise I came in late to class Today. But, the teacher was not in.

I was struggling with some math problems, and I was not in class with Woohyun or the other guys or girls I'm

Familiar with.

A guy plopped down on the seat next to me.

"Hey," he said. It was Chen. "You seem frustrated,"

"I suck at math," I said. "I really do,"

He chuckled. "Let me help you,"

"Are you good at math?" I asked.

"I'm not a genius at math, but I can do it well," Chen said.

"I don't understand this question," I pointed to a question I really can't get.

"See, you have to do these and that first," he said, scribbling some words on my paper.

"Oh! If its like that, then it's easy now!" I said.

"See? You just need to do some things first," he said.

I nodded my head. "Thanks alot,"

He stayed still in the seat beside me.

"Aren't you going to move?" I asked.

"Well, I figured I could help you, and I would gain a seat partner. None of the guys are here," he said.

I nodded my head.

I want to explain something just in case any of you don't get it. Since they're students, they are all the same age in this fanfic, so just take them as the same age.

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