If I Can't Be With You

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Okay so this one was written by sinead_m so yeah you should all go follow her
It was nearing the beginning of the sounds live feels live tour and Luke was at home doing some packing, but all Luke could think about was how exited he was to see Michael. As he was closing his suitcase he heard his phone buzz,it was a text from Michael "Can't wait to see you ,I've missed you so much X" Luke couldn't help but smile, he loved getting texts like that from Michael. However he was a little worried because Cal and Ash never knew about them, of course they were going to tell them but they weren't sure how. So they would probably have to lay off with the flirting and stuff for a while, which will be hard, but they'll have to do it.

The day they were leaving for the tour finally arrived and Luke was even more excited, he was so happy at the thought of seeing Michael in less than an hour.

He heard the car horn beeping so he took his bags out and put them in the boot,the only people in the car were Ashton and Calum so they obviously still had to pick up Michael, Luke greeted the boys with a "hey how are you " and a hug. The 3 of them were having a laugh and talking when Luke realised they had drove past Michael's house

"We just drove by Mikey's place" Luke stated

"Oh we forgot to tell you ,we're meeting him at the airport " Ash said casually. Luke just nodded in reply

They arrived at the airport and saw some fans as they got out of the car, they took some photos and went to find Michael who was standing at security, as soon as Luke saw him, he couldn't help but run over and embrace him, as he hugged Mikey he whispered "I've missed you. but before Michael could reply the other boys walked over

"Well someone's happy to see Michael!" Ashton joked, Luke let out a small chuckle along with Michael.

As they boarded the plane all Michael wanted to do was hold Luke's hand but he knew he couldn't, not yet anyway.

On the plane Calum sat with Ashton leaving Michael  to sit with Luke, which they were obviously happy about.

The plane ride went in surprisingly fast, it mostly just consisted of sleeping and the boys catching up with each other.


As soon as they got to the hotel everyone went straight to their rooms to get ready for rehearsals.

Luke was lying on top of the bed scrolling through Twitter on his phone when there was a knock on the door and straight away he knew who is was so he quickly stood up to answer the door and as he expected, it was Michael.
"Hey Mi-" Luke began to say but he was cut off by Michael smacking his lips against his, they had been kissing for a solid minute until  Luke pulled away, still holding Michael's waist.

"why don't we tell Ash and Cal tomorrow" Michael suggested.

"Yeah that's what I was thinking ,I can't wait to tell them."Luke replied.

"Great,I'm going to go get ready but I'll see you soon." Michael said before giving Luke a quick peck and leaving.


The show went great, the boys were so happy to be back on tour.

After the show they got in the tour bus to go to Osaka.

The boys were watching a film and having and having a laugh in the living area of the bus.

"I'm going to head to bed now, night guys." Michael stated as he stood up to go to bed.

"Yeah me too,I'm really tired." Luke said quickly.

"G'night guys." Calum said without taking his eyes of the T.V. "You guys do realise we're only about an hour away from the hotel in Osaka?"

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